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Happy Easter!

While Jagad Screwball is busy splitting remaining hairs for damage control, my prayer is for the poor girl, Surabi. I’m sure when this is over, she’ll have a Jesus moment with the Master. I pray she gets to resurrect on the third day just like our Lord, from her matrix world of make-believe to … welcome to reality!

I learned the best way to expose cults is to let them speak. That explains why they are so secretive.

It’s obvious, cult followers have no clear grasp of the outside world – of how people think, feel and navigate through life. It’s not cute, but it’s real.

I also pray for her children that they be granted a free mind – the greatest asset every child should have in this age and time; that they should no longer be subjected to a controlled milieu; and should no longer bow down to and worship a charlatan. It would be a pity if she does not.

I pray for all the Haribol kids to wake up to reality.

What a bright Easter Sunday! Another pivotal moment for small bunch of anti-cult, anti-lies and freedom-loving people trying to make a difference in the smallest way they could. Bravi!

Happy Easter, Rick Ross; Happy Easter, Rama; Happy Easter, CEI posters; Happy Easter, Kailuans. Justice for Sri!

Re: Maum Meditation

I was in this maum meditation cult before. I feel very joyful after abandoning maum meditation. I had visited many centers around the world and I saw many helpers suffered headache and a lot of chronics diseases because of maum meditation. I suffered a lot of headache, stress when I worked for woo myung because he only loves you when he can exploit/abuse you. Woo myung used very bad words to blame helpers.

Please abandon woo myung cult and discard maum meditation to be FREEDOM, joyful and great liberation. You will have better health after abandoning maum meditation.

I witnessed that many members divorced their spouses and abandon their kids. The founder of maum meditation, woo myung had destroyed many peaceful families.
maum meditation is using new fake names to hide truth.

See [www.meditationusa.org]

[Moderator Note: Don't post contact information. It's against the rules]

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Trance International - Trina & Steven Kamp


Tonto Village I resident Steven Kamp has his birthday on Jan. 10. Steve is like a grand POOH-BAH to our Village. He is looked up to by the residents and he has helped many families in the Village. Thank you for your community service.

[www.paysonroundup.com] This is how the cult leader is currently portrayed in the local press. I don't know if the author is a cult member, or someone who simply doesn't know better.

Steven Kamp is a straight up destructive cult leader. He can disguise himself as a benevolent patriarch pooh-bah, but that does not excuse his decades long behavior as a cult leader.

Steven Michael Kamp was born in 1947. Learning more about him might help to demystify him and the cult he leads with his wife Trina. He identifies as from Illinois, and is very into sports. I don't recall any discussion of his birth family. Trina on the other hand uses stories of her birth family as part of her public biography.


Education-Accomplishments: Ministerial Degree-University of Life Church (1970), Ph.D., Doctor of Divinity-Church of Immortal Consciousness (1995)

This is from Trina's bio [culteducation.com] That "Doctor of Divinity" is ridiculous, that is her own church. The first group she lists, University of Life Church, was operated by "the flamboyant clairvoyant" Richard Ireland [www.phoenixnewtimes.com]

Trina was born Trina Fitch in 1947. Her first married surname was Pace. She can be found as Trina Pace in University of Life Church ads in 1972, Arizona Republic. Trina taught a "Teen Philosophy Class" on Sundays. On Wednesday student nights she displayed "gifts".

The cult looks to be still running a charter school. This is very unfortunate, as they can keep families under their influence in this manner.

One of their members is Lucy McDowell Karrys, her heritage includes the prominent Carnegie family. Lucy was a member back when I lived with this cult in the mid 80s, and she still is. That is a long time to be involved with a destructive group. Lucy is on the boards of many of the cult businesses. She has invested heavily in their school.

Another top member is Steven R Rensch, their main attorney. He was born in 1947 and is married to Marlow, one of Steven and Trina Kamp's children. Marlow was born in 1969.

I wonder if anyone has been appointed as the next leader once Trina and Steven Kamp are no longer able to operate the group.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Happy belated Easter back at you Dharma, and the whole crew here.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

My Kailua got a bit scared I think and took that last post down. Don't worry, they are taking notes and well aware. Trying to proceed with caution.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Major bombshell!!!

Flash/Nick Bredimus is actually a cult member loyal to a rival Kailua cult:


Read the comments of Murti there. This cult is bad, many Kailua locals asked Flash through me if this "gay speedo bodybuilder cult" was bad, Flash insisted they were harmless.

This man told me that Nick Bredimus is in this movie coming out of a theatre with these cult members. This footage already played at the Sundance festival, and this movie got standing ovations.

This man Murti also told me that Nick Bredimus is always swimming with men from this gay speedo cult.

He told me that this cult has used Flash and Flashlight On Roaches to obscure their own cult, push all attention onto Chris Butler and his cult, which may not be half as bad as the anal invasion initiation ritual required to get into the gay speedo bodybuilding cult of Kailua.

Murti's words:

"Yes they been using the Chris Butler cult to hide behind. He gay manpulated men. So the video you sent me he probably thinks there are ok. He not young enough to be pulled into sexual ritual. Yet his money is good enough. I was not.manpulated sexually but had a strong yoga community for him to prey. I thought bringing people to god a true master. Than some men spoke up. My world change. What cool about movie Will my friend was a video autographer for group 20 years. He woke up put footage together and made a document of an inside look. It got standing ovations at Sundance. Jared Leto promote it and is disturbing it .CNN will show after theater released sometime this year."

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

There you go, Chris Butler and co, your neighbors in the Gay Speedo Bodybuilder cult are to blame for your favorite blog flashlight on roaches.

Stop chasing me around Facebook and sic your Hansen Gun Goons on Nick Bredimus and his super gay cult.

Kailua Cult Cage Match!!!



Get Over Here!!!

FINISH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The carnage will be beautiful.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Okay, now the post is gone that Mark Fergusson was commenting on, but I got screenshots and will use them soon.

The Importance of Speaking to Each Other about Your Cult


It is extremely important for cult members to compare notes with both current and former members to understand the reality of any suspicious group. If it can't stand scrutiny, then it is unworthy.

We often can't put the whole picture together when we are isolated within a group. We may even doubt our own mind. I know that most exers only became aware of many SOI abuses from this forum and making friends with outsiders. Eye witness accounts confirmed and validated fears and suspicions. This has led to a more rapid recovery for many.

Here is a good clip with the film maker of the movie you mentioned "Holy Hell".
All cults have their similarities and differences. It is of value to look at the operating systems of different cults even if their philosophies and practices differ.
Meet the Artist '16: Will Allen

Holy Hell Documenting 20 years inside a California cult BBC News

As we know, new members and children who grow up in the cult of Butler are unaware of the groups evolution and history. Members are not privy to the goings on of their guru. This has been "policy" for decades. Any one ever ask, "Why?" Followers and initiates have not even seen him in years, if at all. Only high value followers and the silver spoon fed elite children have direct access. But I submit that information sharing is not happening unless it is aligned with the group propaganda.

It is true that there are people in the cult with whom Chris has bestowed kind attention without "chastising" them. It is understandable that pampered and favored "devotees" stay. But it is even more interesting that some of the followers who have suffered the worst abuses, like Prema dasi, continue to be loyal and remain ... Why do you think that is?

Questions for Butler Cult Members:

Why do you rationalize the obvious weirdness and abuses you witness?

Do you find yourself going along with shit you know is wrong for fear of being looked at as "less than" desirable with your peers and the guru?

Why is your cult so secretive - no, really, WHY?

Why do you stay with the group even when the cult starts hurting you?

Even if you don't think the group is hurting you, why do you go along with it when you witness others being hurt?

Jagad Screwball out-weirded


Haha, that is so sick gay. The Speedo cult just out-weirded Jagad Screwball, made him looking legit and harmless. That may answer Vera's questions why members stay: The Haribols do believe Jagad Screwball is the "good" guy. Some would not even believe they are a cult and for some that do, believe they are the "good" cult.

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a "good" cult. By definition and practice, a cult has no place in an open and modern society, period. The secular world's basic principles are founded on REASON; cults' do not. Cults reject REASON. If you reject REASON, either you're insane, or you profit from the LIES, therefore, are complicit. Parents who propagate "woo woos" are boxing in themselves and their children into an ever-shrinking world of make-believe. The sad fact is as societies progress the box gets smaller and smaller, suffocating their children into a diabolically manipulated state, depriving them of their true potentials. Good luck with that; when REASON start knocking at them, ten or twenty years from now they may not forgive you for blinding them in LIES.

Nah. Jagad Screwball is not a good guy. No matter how depraved and weirder the "other" speedo cult guys look, the sad truth is, there is no difference between them and you — you're just as weird. You might as well sport speedos, trade in your Hawaiian shirts and yoga pants because you're no better inside. The only reason you are asked to have sex strictly for procreation has nothing to do with purity or godliness but is for you to procreate like rabbits, to help in your indefensible cult's longevity and your children as slaves, just as you are delusional. All cults are sick, period; and your next-door neighbors know this.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Rival cults distracting from themselves by hitting against another cult.

Vera noted:


All cults have their similarities and differences. It is of value to look at the operating systems of different cults even if their philosophies and practices differ.

The point that we all need to learn in this day and age is this:

It is not the belief system (the content) that defines something as a cult.

It is the behavior of the leader and group that determine whether it is
a sect, a religion, a secular idealogy, a marketing group --versus its being
classifiable as a CULT.

The term 'cult' is meant to be descriptive, like the term TB for a particular
type of bacterium that causes a specific lung infection different from other lung infections.

If you want to pick one characteristic that defines a cult versus a non cultic
group or relationship it is this:

Lack of your fully informed consent. If you knew the full truth about that person or that group, you would never get involved or stay involved.

What you need to know is deliberately with held from you. Your recruiter may also
be kept ignorant of the actual nature of the group. But the leader and senior members know what is going on and orchestrate the deceit.

A group can be 'diagnosed' as a cult if its leader and members demonstrate
one or more of the following behaviors:

(For the full list - read here.


This is so useful that it is worth storing this
in your phone and keeping a paper copy where you can get at it easily. If I ran
a coffee shop or laundromat, I would allow anyone to put up fliers advertising whatever they want. But...I would have a framed copy of these guidelines alongside the bulletin board.)

Cults target people who are in transition and feeling unsure of themselves - hence they often recruit at colleges and universities. They often recruit in places such as India, where new arrivals are disoriented, jet lagged, culture shocked, etc.

Every undergraduate should be given this checklist and this matter discussed as part of orientation.

Note: if you are a physician, lawyer, psychotherapist CPA or are studying in these areas, you are a high value recruit. Your presence will make a sleaze group look good. Your presence will bring immense prestige to a guru. You may never be exposed to the abuses that the leader inflicts on lower ranking members. Always research any group desiring your presence or inviting you to be part of some religious dialogue. Investigate social justice groups too. Look at this example.


Methods of Coercive Persuasion and Attitude Change - Ofshe

To this list, Corboy would add some observations.

1) Look out for 'free meditation classes'. It costs money and labor to print brochures, fliers, and to distribute this material. Where does that money come from if the meditation classes are free? If posers and brochures are printed in
color on high quality paper, costs increase substantially. None of this is
'free' in the long run.

Donated labor? No need to set up a payroll, no need to arrange W-2 forms. Nope.
Donated labor frees a group to utilize what cash it has in a much more efficient manner.

Eventually, someone has to pay for those 'free classes'. You need to know from the very first 'free class' when you will be expected to pay money. That is why fiscal accountability is listed as an important topic when assessing a group.

2) It costs money to rent rooms for meditation classes and workshops. Where does the money come from?

3) A group may rent a room near a prestigious university (Harvard College is a great example) and without actually saying so, make it seem that they are endorsed by the university.

A group may rent a room from a university, a church, a hospital and make it seem they are endorsed or associated with the master tenant. Do not fall for this. We are all short on cash these days and renting rooms is an easy way to do it.

Note: a cult or a terrorist group may operate in the guise of a social justice project. If you are fired up to join a 'direct action' or advocacy group, especially one that works you over with pictures of suffering children, shows you photos of alleged atrocities, FACT CHECK.

Go to Google and learn to research atrocity photos -- some groups will fallciously
use photographs from other sources.

Find out if the group is on a State Department watchlist.

Find out if this group is attempting to use you and your trust and idealism in an exploitative manner. If they tell you to lie to your own family so that you can leave school, leave the country and go abroad, please do not do this. An honorable group will not tell you to lie to your family. Anyone who claims this is service to God or justice is seeking to use you like a toilet.

If you get killed, you will be used as a martyr and then forgotten after a few years. Your family will be left grieving for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile the group will look for new targets to recruit.

Ask questions, it is your human right. Anyone who shames you smiles at you shouts you down for asking questions -- dont date them and dont let them recruit you to
their project.

4) Do your own consumer education. Do not assume that the leader is giving full disclosure about his or her history, especially if he or she claims to be a guru or has had a magical transformative experience that led to overnight healing.

* The person might have studied with a group or guru that later gained bad publicity and learned a lot of social manipulative skills, but wants to hide
his or her sources. Do your own fact checking and look up where that person actually studied.

* If a person claims to have a Ph.D or medical degree, find out if it is legitimate. If a person had only a few years of graduate school, yet failed to defend a dissertation and graduate with a PH.D, yet claims to have a Ph.D, that person is not being truthful. Do you want to entrust your soul and money to such a person?

* Many people claim trans formative experiences that cannot be fact checked.

* Notice if persons who seemed sedate and mature change behavior when the leader
enters the room and has begun to speak. I once saw a group of middle aged professionals regress into zombies when the lecturer began to speak. Get out of there.

* Never stay with anyone who demands that you give over your phone, your keys, your laptop, your ID papers. RUN.

* Take your own transportation to any event and refuse to carpool. This is one time to refuse to be Green. To protect yourself and preserve your freedom of autonomy, it is OK to leave a big carbon footprint. Remember what your mom says
when you go out on a blind date: have the money to pay for a cab ride home in case your blind date turns out to be a bad apple.

In case you
discover this is a bad situation and you need to leave, you must have control over your own transportation and your own telephone. If someone has carpooled with you, you may feel reluctant to abandon them, and you may remain in this situation and
get scrambled. These groups have studied how to break people. And some intentionally set it up so you cannot leave when you want to. This has happened to me twice.

*Learn the actual 'family history' of the group -- see if it matches with the official version. Did it change its name? Was the group or its leader sued or sentenced? Has the group moved around the country leaving angry neighbors?

Some may say that US Marine Corps training is cultic. . Here
is where USMC training is different
from cultic methods of coercion and indoctrination.)

Some of us may read all this and think, "guru groups are the ones who have this kind of trouble."

No. This same list can be used to test whether a church is going off the rails.


Rick Ross (rrmoderator) observed:


To whom it may concern:

Many people that have been burned by independent churches with pastors that lack meaningful accountability move on to another church where there is meaningful accountability, through democratically elected church government and meaningful financial transparency.

The overwhelming majority of Protestant churches in North America have these features.

That is, elected church boards that serve fixed terms through regularly held elections.

A board that has the power to, if necessary, discipline and/or dismiss a pastor.

Financial transparency in the form of annual financial reports, which disclose in detail all church finances, including salaries, all compensation and expenses paid out from church funds. Many such reports are also independently audited.

When these safeguards are not in place there are frequently serious problems regarding abuse of power and church funds.

If your church doesn't have these safeguards there is is an element of risk regarding abuse of power.

Denominational churches often have these safeguards with the added check of denominational oversight. This may insure educational requirements for pastors and staff. Also, it may insure that the bible is taught correctly per articles of faith and doctrine, rather than whatever a particular pastor might fancy.

Typically, the more checks and balances there are the safer the church will be and conversely the less there are, the higher the risk

A friend may be happy, seemingly healed and urge you to join him or her. Or you may be curious. No matter how much you love your friend, you still should fact check and trust your gut. Many exploitative groups intentionally use friendships
to recruit new bodies. Some groups will train members to befriend you and then
exploit that false friendship to reel you in.

And, even the strongest of us go through disorienting crises. That is exactly when
we are vulnerable. A group may wait and then recruit you right when you are hit by
a crisis such as a death in your family.

It is a very sad truth that there are some deceitful, sleazy people out there who use their gifts of charisma to enslave us. We have been told to 'test the spirits" and have the right to do so.

Some may say, "Oh this can never happen to me".

Some have been born into cults.

Some are pressured by their employers to do workshops that are run by cults. During economic downturns, employees may be terrified to lose their jobs.

One person wrote to us who moved into a shared apartment at a time when affordable
rentals were virtually non existent. His master tenant turned out to be an aggressive recruiter for a cult and pushed him to join. Our correspondent told his
he was having a difficult time finding another place to live and until he could, he had to endure the coercion.

Hell of a choice. Attend a Landmark Education workshop or sleep in a homeless shelter or on the street.

A woman engaged to be married wrote in to us because several of her bridesmaids had joined Landmark and had become dotty.

People wrote to us telling how their spouses and partners developed crippling
food phobias after joining diet cults.

You may find your therapist is not really your therapist, because your therapist is the psychological property of a guru and is not fully adult, just impersonating an adult.

We take care to research if a nanny, a baby sitter, or a school is qualified to care for and educate our children.

We have the right to do this kind of research for anyone who offers to educate our souls and psyches.

If you lose a friendship over this, you are better off. Hard to say but true. I have been there.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Vera- you hit it on the proverbial HEAD!

"Even if you don't think the group is hurting you, why do you go along with it when you witness others being hurt?"

It is a known fact among many- that if Butler was being abusive to someone and others were spared- then they would join in on the ridicule!

In other words it was a “herd” mentality- unable to think for themsleves, they joined in.

Did you EVER hear of ANY devbot that - during the middle of one of Butler’s rants agaisnt a devotee- stood up and told Butler to stop?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Cult this and cult that!

They are falling out of the woodwork like, well... you know... roaches!

All I can say is:

[www.youtube.com] *warning- language*

....“Where’s my japa beads?? Oh yea..whoopsie...I ate them.."

Khrissy the Kockroach - the other Khardashian

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Wouldn’t it be a dream match if the Rej Ji duels Jagad Screwball? Monokini vs. pinko turtle neck. My money is on the Speedo gay weirdo; He’s ripped, he’ll turn the sickly Guru Screwball into a pretzel. Ding ding ding … a new …

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Rare footage of despicable cult leader, Butler, in his previous incarnation. Notice his ubiquitous white outfit. We can see the ranting is still the same...

Birdy Butler


“Where’s my birdseed?”

"You are trying to poison me!”

How many fuggin’ time I gotta tell you birdholes- I want my cage warmed up at night!”

"What is that birdhole doing here, I told him get the hell out of Hawaii and
go back to New Zealand.”

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

New show on hulu, The Path, shows people trying to escape craziness of a cult, The Meyerist Movement.

The official plot synopsis provided by Hulu reads: "'The Path' follows a family at the center of a controversial cult as they struggle with relationships, faith and power. Each episode takes an in-depth look at the gravitational pull of belief and what it means to choose between the life we live and the life we want."

Got to keep the loonies on the path. [www.youtube.com]


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity


"Even if you don't think the group is hurting you, why do you go along with it when you witness others being hurt?"

When we stand by and witness someone else being tormented, we are affected, too.

Our deep neurological pathways are being kindled with pain, no matter how much we repress this. And if we compound this moral injury by lying to ourselves that this is all good because the guru is good, we will become callous as well.

Years ago, when former members of the Muktananda Siddha Yoga and Gurumayi's SYDA Yoga cult broke silence and revealed the lies, the emotional and financial exploitation, the sexual and moral abuses perpetrated by these gurus, many
loyalists would reply, "God bless this great path!" They would proclaim THEY felt bliss, they had been healed, therefore only that mattered.

One of us wrote,

"What price is your bliss? How can you say you have not been
harmed when you are so cruelly indifferent to the pain suffered by your fellow seekers?

Have you considered that your bliss, your good times with the guru were built on the backs of devotees who were screamed at, overworked, housed in bad conditions, denied pensions to suport them in their old age after giving up their working lives to the guru who treated you as a favorite?

"What price did others pay for YOUR bliss?

"If you dont care about this, you were harmed by this guru. You were harmed by being made as selfish as any addict who rips off family and friends just to buy the next bag of heroin or crack rock."
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