These days person does not become a high profile internet ubiquitous spiritual teacher by accident.
The person has to *want* this.
Two, there are vast numbers of teachers out on the internet and in the body, all competing for followers.
Echart Tolle had to overcome all this competition to get where he is today.
To get where ET is, you need ego, and you need a large team of people skilled in marketing, PR and engine optimization.
SEO is the stuff that brings your material to the front page of Google results by pulling in as many different
online search strategies as possible.
When someone is as famous as ET this by itself is no evidence of realization.
Its evidence the person has mastered marketing PR and SEO.
The person has to *want* this.
Two, there are vast numbers of teachers out on the internet and in the body, all competing for followers.
Echart Tolle had to overcome all this competition to get where he is today.
To get where ET is, you need ego, and you need a large team of people skilled in marketing, PR and engine optimization.
SEO is the stuff that brings your material to the front page of Google results by pulling in as many different
online search strategies as possible.
When someone is as famous as ET this by itself is no evidence of realization.
Its evidence the person has mastered marketing PR and SEO.