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Re: Any information about The Template?

[culteducation.com] You can keep this checklist handy to compare anything you hear about the group and leaders.

Also this [culteducation.com] with suggestions for friends and family.

StacieBobacy, your question about the general public, yes, this forum can be read by anyone online.

Re: Any information about The Template?

Thank you. My initial question has pretty much been answered.

Re: Any information about The Template?

(If you live naked in a desert, you risk dehydration and injury from cactus spines, rocks, etc. Extreme temperature change between night and morning. C)


Connecting the Broken Circuits in Our Bodies to Prepare for the future

I've practiced quite a few methodologies during my life. Many of these were body oriented such as yoga, mountaineering, and Ti Chi Chuh. Many of them were focused on the mind and nervous system. However one of the MOST powerful things I ever did was a series of ceremonies.

About 30 years ago a woman named Juliet Carter was living naked in the desert in order to connect, as the gnostics did, directly with source. During this time she began to align with a body of knowledge. Over the years she was able to bring more and more of this knowledge into physical space here. She and her partner have since condensed this information into a series of very powerful ceremonies, involving sacred geometry and coded language.

I was first introduced to these ceremonies about 7 years ago. Muscle testing before and after each ceremony verified that the process re-connects 33 circuits in the human body permanently(!). What this means is that you can participate in the ceremonies, and 7+ years later, when you are tested, your circuits will still be fully connected.

Why is this important? Since we rely on our bodies to tell us about what is happening in our reality, having 'broken circuits' that are not fully functional, means you will not receive all the information that is available to you. With functioning circuits, on the other hand, your body can interpret light and subtle energies- then forward the information to you.

If people in the population have re-connected circuits... they will be able to directly translate light and become sovereign. This is 'earth changing' stuff.

I used to perform theTemplate ceremonies for others, however since the transition I went through, I am no longer doing this. These ceremonies are available in many countries... to check for a nearby ceremony you can go to www.theTemplate.org

As of now, the first ceremony is available by DVD. Muscle testing on many people has shown it is effective in connecting the first 12 circuits in your body. And once they are connected, your experience of reality will change in wonderful ways. Here are some links to a few UTube videos created by Juliet Carter and her husband, Jiva... enjoy.

You might like to know what changed for me. Well, Juliet told me that everyone who goes through the ceremonies has an earthquake in their life within a few years, if they are not living fully aligned with source.**

She was right. My entire life fell apart. And I am so glad(!) My new life fits me wonderfully, and I have a sense of deep joy and happiness all of the time. So I am saying to you, "Come on in, the water is fine"

**(Corboy: Sounds like fear installation. "In a few years" is vague time unit. Within one to three years, most of us will have a painful episode in our lives, or something nasty (car accident, broken limb, loss of a job, death, medical problem, etc.) will happen to a friend or family member.)





Ibiza (Ibiza is a site for the international techno/rave community.)


Glastonbury, UK (A site important to the New Age scene, as Glastonbury was linked in the minds of the hopeful to the Arthurian legends)


Byron Bay, Australia (Byron Bay is a gathering place for the New Age/alternative community in Australia).


Re: Any information about The Template?

Thanks for posting this! I poked around online and couldn't find much. It sounds like typical cult double & even triple speak. You're connected, then 7 years later permenantly connected, then there's an earthquake because you're not connected. Living naked anywhere is probably not a good idea either. What a mess.
Thanks again!

John and Jeannie Bishop


I think little John Bishop is going to get in trouble with Chris Butler for this one. Ha ha ha, If only your group WERE a legitimate religion with nothing to hide, with members free to speak openly about it. John Bishop did claim this in a dialogue we had on Instagram, but only to block me and delete everything we said within short order. Luckily I took screen shots of the entire discussion.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

He never gave you his adress ...to bad I would have like to go for prasadam

This Jana Bishop as nothing to do with the other Bishop family members ? Like Bala Bishop and all those kids ...right ?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Dabcult there are actually two Bishop families within the Chris Butler group, very confusing and a lot of kids between both families.

Re: Tulsi Ejected From DNC?


Comment did not get through Washington Post; I'm posting here:

Wow, over a thousand comments, people are impressed and wide-eyed, not only by her telegenic look but also by her politics. Unfortunately, all the praises and superlatives (some even suggested POTUS), missed the bulls-eye. Chris Butler is a genius, but not for long – ex-members are speaking up for the world to see through the façade that is Tulsi Gabbard and the puppet master behind.

This is not a slur, but a fact. Tulsi was born and raised in an obscure Hare Krishna sect that is very cultic in structure. Leader, Chris Butler, is the unquestioned authority, whatever he speaks is God’s and is absolute. Unlike the bigger Hare Krishna cult (ISKCON), the Science of identity is very secretive; the members look like you and me; operate business fronts that appear mainstreams and like ISKCON, majority bears Sanskrit names either from birth or initiation. The group probably has a couple of thousands hardcore followers – old time, sentimental and obviously brainwashed hippies from the 70s and the second and third generation offspring.

Most people baffled by Tulsi’s bold and sometimes controversial political moves think she’s either a very clever politician or somewhat naïve. Neither. To better understand Tulsi is to understand the above. The political Tulsi started more than 30 years ago before she was even born. Google Independents for a Godly Government. She is the latest attempt by guru Chris Butler, to fulfill his own guru’s wish/prophecy to one day have a devotee to become the leader of the free world. Chris Butler’s guru was A.C. Bhaktivedanta, founder of ISKCON.

It’s also a core belief that it’s the duty of devotees to save the benighted world from itself. They are the “chosen people”; they are above the karmis (non-believers). Chris Butler does not believe in the separation between the church and the state. To make the long story short, to impose the Hare Krishna doctrine, which is diametrically opposed to mainstream values is the ultimate goal, the mission from God, not just of Chris Butler, but all the Krishna devotees in the world.

How do I know this? I’m an ex-member, plus, in Hawaii, unless you live under a rock – their existence is an open-secret. Despite their effort to be seen as “normal” people, their exclusive culture and secretive nature have been a constant irritant among those who encounter them in their daily lives, especially in Lanikai, where the guru and his family live, and also, close disciples.

Lately, a bizarre boating tragedy killed a beloved local, Sri Shim and injured his step-son, Trey. The DLNR’s handling of the case appeared to have been botched and influenced by Mike Gabbard, Tulsi’s dad, who chairs the Air, Water, Land and Agriculture Committee, under which the DLNR operates. The Gabbards are like the Royal Family in the Chris Butler group. The incident further fueled the suspicion and the uneasy coexistence between the locals and the Science of Identity; the outrage forced the State prosecutor`s office to take the case from DLNR.

True, personal belief is nobody’s business, but if you're running for public office, it is just fair to voters — who hand in governing power to whoever vies for it — to at least know about the candidate's core values and associations, so they, at least, could make informed decision who they should trust to best represent them.

The real Tulsi is a simple, shy and laid-back girl, but like all children born in a cult borders in religious fanaticism. The fact that she enlisted in the military and engaged in war, is now a rising star in the U.S. politics and making waves as a sexy, Hindu surfer G.I. girl, if you are swept away, that exactly is the design. The tin-foil don of Lanikai learned a lot from the failed IGG candidates. Although the slogan “you are not the body” no doubt, still stays true to her and her guru, in politics, branding matters.

Missing this fact, any comment, unfortunately, does not hold water.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

dharmabum -

Did you see my Washington Post comment posted 3/1/2016 2:40 PM EST ?

Please advise.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

CarlFig Wrote:
> dharmabum -
> Did you see my Washington Post comment posted
> 3/1/2016 2:40 PM EST ?
> Please advise.

Yes. You nailed it. I also loved the professor from Hawaii, who said while she insists on identifying jihadists as Islamic extremists (cuckoo!), the same standard should apply to her belief. Mine may be too long. 99% are clueless, gullible, low-info commenters. We are a small voice, but the awareness is spreading. I'm sure the FBIs and political pundits are taking notes. It is just not polite or politically correct to touch on religion.

Thank you Carl. Innocent children are depending on our fight. We should not fail them.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity


Carlfig and Dharmabum your comments are awesome! And Dharmabum your comment is now the first one I see, Carlfig's was down a little ways.

It's funny I said John Bishop would get in trouble for my article, but I'm actually the one who got in big trouble with Flashlight On Roaches and another unnamed contributor partner of Flash's over this article.

Gauntlets were tossed on the ground in front of me, rank was pulled on me and they both demanded I take the article down.

Flash did not hesitate to itemize the long list of things I owe Flash, like my interview with Bevan Hurley, and that nobody would know who I was if it wasn't for Flash. I was told I owe these great researchers at Flashlight On Roaches for Patrick Bowler ever being connected to the cult and many other points were raised by them that I owe them so deeply over.

Let me say that no matter what, I appreciate and fully understand the extent of both of these amazing researchers efforts, without which, Id have nothing much more than my own story.

But I have never ever told these guys what to do, and I have worked mutually alongside them despite them both putting pressure on me because of Smash The Butler Cult not meeting their standards, telling me to pressure the owner of the website to alter his content and jump through hoops to please Flash. These two also tell me I should not communicate with anyone in the cult, they both demanded I remove these items from the Internet:



Flash and co told me my last article was all about me trying to take credit for their research, and trying to look cool in front of my new Kailua friends.

Well, I'm not taking credit for anything, I just happen to be the only person out of the three of us who can operate publicly and openly, and I am synthesizing all the info I'm getting from them.

But full credit to 99% of the research discoveries on the cult goes to team flash.

Flash made a discovery that is the basis of this whole shit storm, it was that Sai Hansen's two sons who live in Kailua could be seen on Instagram brandishing a shotgun, an AR 15 semi automatic assault rifle and a handgun.

Most of these posts were put up after the death of Sri Shim.

My friend immediately sent this account to the FBI and we all know that nothing much else happens.

A week or so after we sent this to FBI I thought "they had their chance," I assume these guns are all legal, etc, they had them at a shooting range btw.

I am not the most tactful person to ever walk the earth, and a week after being shown that Instagram account, I went onto the posts with the guns and left comments like "you two sure look like a couple of pussies with those guns, let Chris Butler know that nobody is afraid of his pathetic Arsenal."

And the Hansen boy said "My new AR 15" under one picture, I said "don't you mean Srila Prabhupada's AR 15?"

I also told him that I grew up with his mother Mohini aka Michelle Hansen.

This is the type of stunts I have pulled many times, I've been blocked in the comments of every possible cult website, account and channel.

I knew that the cult was aware we knew about these guns after this point, and that account GD_Hansen on Instagram has now gone private, but you will see Sai Hansen's son shooting an AR 15 as the profile picture.

The fact that I knew the cult already knew is the only reason reference to these guns was included in my article. Just in the last screen shots, really.

Flash and co threw down the gauntlet that I remove this and my references to Kailua locals or else.

I apologized to Flash and co and said "sorry but I fucked that Gun account up. The cult knows so I'll leave it in."

I apologized to them multiple times and told them that I'd much rather be kept out of the loop and not have them think they can dictate my content and attempt to manage me.

I apologized and said please proceed with me accordingly, but I'm not changing my article.

I refused to change it because they had two complaints about it as follows:

#1 complaint was that I put info about the Hansen kids with guns, their discovery.

I only mentioned it to John Bishop since I had already revealed my knowledge of it to the Hansen gun toting cult goons themselves, who surely reported it to Butler. I included my mentioning it to John Bishop since I knew that since the cult is now fully aware, this info might as well go public. So at this point, despite how angry at me Flash and co are, you cannot put the cat back into the bag. Hence my refusal to remove it.

The second point of contention is that Flash and co, individuals who are totally anonymous and a little paranoid in my opinion, took it upon themselves to take issue with my vague referencing of Kailua locals I am now friends with. That I am endangering these Kailua locals.

The fact is these locals all saw what I said about them and just said "right on man, he'll yeah! Justice for Sri!" and one local who I spoke of, the ex military person who has moved mountains for our cause, is totally unafraid of these cult clowns. He lovingly referred to them as cock monkeys, saying keep up the pressure on these guys.

my ultimate favorite quote from my new friend jokingly code named "Long Dong" or LD in response to me talking shit to the Hansen gun goons was "Piss pound these pussies!"

So point #2 that Flash and co used to tell me to remove my article, that these locals don't want me referencing them, is baseless, not a single one cared in the slightest, my ex military friend is in no way worried. "Reference me all you want" he told me.

So this is why I refused to alter my article, and I do not care to be in a position where Flash thinks he can tell me what to do.

I really resent these individuals at Flash saying that I owe them so much for everything. That I would be nothing without them. I think that is the height of arrogance and I have on many occasions thanked Flash for everything he has done for me.

But they owe me just as much as I owe them, and every single person is a huge factor in how far along this entire movement has gotten.

Sure Flash lined up the interview with Bevan, but if I hadn't been through the shit I did with my family and been willing to tell my story in the paper with my identity and also willing to testify my story on affidavit, Bevan Hurley probably never would have written the long article tying Patrick Bowler to the Butler cult.

Flash and his unbelievable research team are the reason we even knew about the Kailua death, but I am the one who is open and public and the only person who was able to speak directly to the locals on My Kailua and Facebook, without my part this cult angle to the death may have never spread grassroots through Kailua.

I never would dream of playing the "you owe me" game, but Flash and his team mate love to, and rained it down upon me yesterday with ferocity.

Flash told me I'm lucky I even got the response I did, the other person who I'd been very close to told me vomit was spewing from my mouth, that I owe Flash a lot and that they don't support me now and won't communicate with me.

Flash said "I'm not going to threaten you or tell you what you should do, but sleep on it."

I never threatened Flash ever, so him saying "I'm not going to threaten you" makes me think he does have some threats ready to go for me. And they both told me what to do multiple times, even in that e-mail.

Well, Flash, if it does go to that level between us, I'll have a little chat here about who I think you are, and I think my guess is right on the money.

I see no advantage to changing that article now, as I explained, and Flash and co want me to take the entire article down.

My blog is my own, I know it's crazy, it's angry, it's usually all about me (sorry) but it's my process, my therapy, my diary and my raw unfiltered content. Flash and co, when upset with me, let me know their true feelings about me and my self obsessed disgusting blog. I never cared to be a bigshot, this "fame" I have is not positive, my name is tarnished with all the dirt and pain of the cult, my experience and my insane ramblings. But since I have nothing, no career and no future, fuck it! Might as well, I got nothing to lose and no reason to hold back.

Flash you guys might as well do an article about the Hansen boys and their guns. Get it out there!

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Everyone on this thread has helped.

Let's just get along and avoid any conflict on this thread.

Mutual support and goodwill is the best.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Hey Rick! Wow, it must be serious *wink wink*

Hello Rama,

I will give you one more opportunity to exercise good judgement. If you hope to someday be reunited with Laks and your mother, you should listen to me. I have had your back and offered to protect your family. I've given you the chance to keep certain facts secret and have never posted anything without your permission. Your mother's involvement in money laundering and Laks's role in the killing are two examples.

Unlike you or anyone else, I've spent four long years -------------(omitted)------- in Lanikai collecting information on the cult. See below that I let you know when Laks is spotted, in this case the day before the killing. Also below, when I suspected that Laks was involved in the killing, I offered you the chance to protect your own brother. Note that this was the day after the incident and no one else was reporting the cult's involvement. see below that I gave you this information including the My Kailua FB details so you could be the very first person to publicly tie the cult to the killing. In other words, without my information the cover-up might have been completed with the public being kept totally in the dark.

You need to grow up and quite reacting emotionally when there is a clear strategy to win this war against Butler with --------- and I setting the direction. Admit that you made mistakes, make too many excuses, and lack self control - then try to become a better person. If you are going to fight for your family, do it as a man and not as an immature boy.


Maybe you could tell Flash, too?

For the record, I've been TRYING to get my stupid family busted for their crimes in the cult since the start! I always say my mum is surely a money launderer for Chris Butler, I was yelling about my brother's involvement since the start, I thought he might have been the one who killed Sri!

Yeah go at them, if they got busted I'm sure they'd do less time in prison than I have done in exile from them.

They'd spend less time in prison than the time between our conversations.

It would be a lot better than them staying in the cult.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Dear Rama ji

In my videos I invite my viewers to come to this forum to get informations about the cult ...in the case of Mr Shim I got about 2,500 views ..thats the public and media in Hawaii ...and other places around the globe .So lets get back to that service ....giving informations about the cult and its members ...so that possibly
Tulsi Gabbard will not be reelected ...and that some members of the cult might possibly start a deprogrammation process...I understand your dedication to this cause ...only you among us was born and raise in this cult by brainwash parents
and I understand how frustrating this battle to expose the truth might be for you.I GET IT LAUD AND CLEAR ...but we must all think as we write on this forum ..of the possible new readers ...as Vox noted wisely that this forum had many more viewers since the death of Mr Shim ...Put yourself in their shoes (so to speak )...what will they find when they come to this forum to learn about a MAD MAN CALL CHRIS BUTLER ...You are a great guy ..Flash is a Sharlock Holmes...so lets regroup here ...and lets think of our viewers that might be completely at lost to see this one arguing about this one ...who posted this or that ..
Lets give informations ..as clear and as precise as we can ...thinking always
that this might be the first time ...Mr or MRS Aloha Ohana are visiting our forum ...again lets keep it ...a united front againts a cult that is destructive and vicious ...thank you

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

As Twain said:

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

I’m hoping you two could mend things up. You’re both doing great. I’d rather, our poster boy, Rama stays the way he is – raw, furious, clever and witty. No holds barred. In fairness to Flash, he has done some heavy liftings with his research and journalistic writing. You’re a lethal combination – the cult’s nightmare.

We’ve gone through this. It is sad if this goes down to that same dark moment this site went to. Before it gets really ugly and we lose focus on who or what the real enemy is, please rethink and reset things up, give each one some breathing space and avoid by all means further escalations. May the cooler heads prevail. Rick, could you intervene?

We are doing great. Help make the post-Shri Shim the beginning of the end for the Butler cult. They are like cornered animals now. Whatever the prosecution’s finding is, win or lose, the Hawaiian voters are more aware than ever. Our sexy, Hindu surfer girl is desperate to going federal. Money from Assad, Modi and lately, from Rick Reed will start pouring in (imho). Her chances with Hawaiian voters are close to nil. That is the key and all we need.

Justice for Sri!

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Well stated, Dharmabum.
We each have our own personal reasons for these many years of participation,
our own personal axes to grind.
Many of us, due to this insidious cult, have lost family members, lost relationships and lost time.
I think we can all agree though, we have one common goal and that is to see Butler and Co- terminated.
His one man crusade to control the World must come to an end.
Its been 4 decades and enough is enough.
As this issue (conflict) has risen before, it is hoped that we can all set aside our differences and push for the only possible conclusion: showing the world the true evil that is Jagad Guru, his brainwashed minions, and his ersatz puppet politician.
Their days are numbered- hold that thought- it is the only thing worth fighting for. And we can do this together.
Make it OUR reality.
Right an egregious wrong.

Justice for Sri.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Let's try to be civil, kind and sensible on this thread.

Put the issue of research and public education first and don't get personal regarding the people posting here.

Frankly, there are just not that many people interested in discussing this group and it makes no sense to alienate anyone.

Look up Victor Baranco and "marks"

What Is Orgasmic Meditation? - Daily Beast, March 5th


(same article, but text-only from Google cache)


What Is Orgasmic Meditation?

Answer: OM is something developed and enthusiastically commercialized by
Victor "Doctor" Baranco, creator of "More Houses".

Baranco was a genius at persuading people to pay him for the privilege of donating their unpaid labor to fixing up property that Baranco then sold for a profit - a business model that made Tom Sawyer look like an angel.

One could say that Vic Baranco took "sweat equity" to new heights.


Readers, journalists:

Any time you hear of Nicole Daedone and orgasmic meditation,
put "Victor Baranco" and "More House" terms into Google's search slot.

Baranco started the whole thing.

(This article gives detail about just how Victor Baranco treated his
students, or as he termed them, "marks"


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