Channel: Cult Education Forum - "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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Re: Gabrielle Klonek, Carl Jensen, Mark Comings

Oh my!

It has been quite a while since I last looked over these boards. Unimaginably nuts that Mark and company are still at it. Second thought, perfectly reasonable when the mundane efforts to keep ones self fed and clothed are dependent on that same fraudulent livelihood.

I read on a previous post that Carl needed somekind of diplomatic passport? That sounds so perfectly A-ray-esque in its bundled importance/BS.

More than a news story, a behavioral psychologist could make an exceptional study of this peristyle/psychedelic delusion du jour scam.

That fact that Mark thought the efforts of another to provide reflection were " a bit weird " brought a smile to my face.

Keep pushing! Doors will open and dark maze of deception will provide little refuge for the sociopaths.

Re: Gabrielle Klonek, Carl Jensen, Mark Comings

Update on Mark.

I’ve just spoken to Mark and told him the “really good news” in regards to the return of his Lap Top and Passport.

“Everything is progressing well”, I said, “but with many snags along the way”, which I’m doing my best to rectify.

I assured him the exchange / transfer will no doubt happen very soon… “any day now” or “first thing next week” and that all the money, once returned, will be distributed to “spiritually minded people”… (i.e. 'he knows who') so she may do “many good works” in the world.

Mark, as you can imagine, was VERY HAPPY to hear this news.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity


Bernie Sanders BEWARE cult member Tulsi Gabbard

New video from Henry Jolicoeur!

Looks like a new channel, please subscribe, comment on and like his videos.


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Imzaia Movement

Did a little digging on this group. They change names/websites frequently.

Their newest sites:


YouTube channel

The Imzaia site was from when they were based in England.
The Risinglifemedia site was from when they were in Amsterdam.
It appears that they are now based in Algarve, Portugal.

Hope the above helps anyone trying to track down a loved one.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Ok friends at the forum ..
If the democratic party really knew that Tulsi Gabbard as lied when she said she converted to Hinduism as a teenager and is really worshiping ...finance and under the spell of Chris Butler ..Would Bernie Sanders stand on stage with Tulsi Gabbard smiling ? Most people in the democratic party are not able to understand the mind games that Chris Butler is playing with Tulsi Gabbard .
She takes large donations from the followers of the right wing prime minister Narindra Modi ( who as said nothing at all of the dozens of attacks on christians
all over India in the last few weeks ...thus encouraging a carnage )
She is playing the extremist Hindus for the fame and money that bring the fact that she is the first declare HINDU in congress ...and at the same time tries to position herself next to Bernie Sanders ...who is on a self declare social democrats....the most leftist politician running for the president of the USA .
an article(possily written by one of the minion of Butler ) in Hawaii as already suggested that TULSI would make a great VICE PRESIDENT for Bernie Sanders .Butler will stop at nothing to get to a powerful influence on the US elections .He will play the extreme right in India to get money ...and play the left in the USA to get powers ...I am a little desapionted that members of the forum are not giving more comments on my videos ...GOOD OR BAD or suggestions !These videos take a lot of work time and energies .
Anyway I had to stop the comments under the video ..as I got insults on top of insults from Tulsi followers .In a way I feel sorry for Tulsi ...what it must be like to get orders from Butler ....DO THIS ....SAY THAT .."Assad is great"
when she knows that the guy is a mass murderer .She as to keep going and going ...because she as pledge her soul to this megalomaniac.

Re: Trinity de Guzman - Ayahuasca Healings (WA, USA)

Trinity de Guzman says he is leading a movement called "Global Healing Community". He wants us all to join, listen to everything he says, and that soon he will tell us what our individual roles are.

Youtube videos by Gabriel Ng recruit for Ayahuasca Healungs. Facebook is also used for recruitment along with the main website and marketing email list.

Trinity says they are working with an attorney, most likely this is Matthew Pappas, who is the attorney for the larger "church". Matthew Pappas does not appear to have experience in the relevant law. Instead of claiming that there are conspiratorial forces against them, Pappas needs to inform everyone that they currently have no legal protections.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity


Henri Jolicoeur, French Canadian Psychotherapist and Cult Watcher, warns US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to beware of Tulsi Gabbard who is under the mind control of cult-leader Chris Butler.

Recent comments on Truth Digger at Reddit.com regarding Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders:

Excerpts below.


Her endorsement of Sanders is a very good move, but I highly doubt Sanders would choose her as VP…

She seems to be tightly connected to the Lanikai cult. I’m trying to find out what is true and what is false, but if she takes her cues from the cult leader Chris Butler I doubt Sanders would want to be connected to that mess…

Gonna need a bit more than a WordPress conspiracy theory site to make a real accusation…

Absolutely. That’s why I’m trying to find out…

There’s not enough information to say she’s still connected…

I think the main problem is that she’s not exactly clear about her past with Butler. No straight answers from her…

We’ll see…

Does it matter, anyway?…

If this Chris Butler has a huge influence on her, yes, i would think so…

Considering that this Science of Identity staunchly opposes homosexuality and Tulsi has recently endorsed same-sex marriage, I’d assume it’s not that strong…

Remember when conservatives tried to use Obama’s priest to discredit him?…

Because that worked out well…

I’m not trying to discredit anyone. I think Tulsi Gabbard would make a great VP. Please check my comment history and see what I said about her

It’s just that I came across this story and found it interesting enough to research…

Oh no, I didn’t mean to imply you were…

You do raise a good point, though. Even if Tulsi has no connections with the SIF, we can still expect some smear campaigns in the general election trying to tie her to a family past with a mysterious cult…

She also fund-raises for India’s anti-muslim nationalist BJP party here in the US…

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

For Bernie Sanders to associate himself with a religious right would be immediate suicide for his campaign. As far as he comes off in terms of religion, it's pretty much atheistic and more humanistic. There is way too much controversy associated with tulsi, hindutva and overall tension between Islam and Hindus for centuries. It would be a shot in the foot to associate his party with a self avowed "Hindu" when IS is so volatile and Islam is still viewed with tension in much of world politics. Humanism is what the party needs in a VP, but adding unnecessary fuel to the religious right by electing some faction Hindu cult as a VP will topple the movement.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

As a politician tulsi is much like everyone else in mainstream politics. She will blow her Hindu whistle when that seems to help her get ahead, she will deny and divert attention from that whe convenient. She will change her tune about gay rights when it's not popular and she will continue to try to be whatever you need her to be to push ahead. Survival of the crooked. It's not anti Hindu, it's anti crooked.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Re: Imzaia Movement

David K Miller was born in 1946 [familysearch.org] He may also go by David Donald Miller, or this may be another family member.

Gudrun R Miller was born in 1950 [familysearch.org]

David K Miller has a company in Arizona: Group of Forty LLC.

Agent Mailing/Physical Address:
4260 OAK LN
Agent Status: APPOINTED 12/27/2011

Entity Type: DOMESTIC L.L.C.
Incorporation Date: 12/27/2011


Checking that address through the Yavapai County Assessor tells us that this parcel is owned by the David and Gudrun Miller Trust.

Parcel search here: [gis.yavapai.us]

Gudrun R Miller is licensed as Licensed Professional Counselor in Arizona [azbbhe.us]

David K Miller is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Arizona

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

It is obvious that Tulsi’s modus operandi is to get attention. Controversial moves guarantee that and no doubt is the best way to get attention. She must have taken the cue from the Kardashians – good or bad, press releases add points to her celebrity profile and sellability. “Low-information” voters will always outnumber the informed ones; plus, mainstream media love controversial people; add those to her padded resume and telegenic look, she’s following the strategy to the T. I won’t be surprised if she indeed becomes a VP, if not this election, the next.

I also do not believe her move to the left has anything to do with ideology. It’s just that – getting attention. It’s highly perceivable that she’ll ultimately move to the right if Sanders’ bid failed, and the GOP will welcome her like a hero, or a long lost celebrity daughter, thus, will add more political points and campaign fund to her career.

For all our troubles’ worth, I personally do not expect much, but for the Truth to work itself up at its own pace. If it helps derail Tulsi’s ascendancy to higher office, fine; if not, at least the few people serious enough to know about the shadowy group behind her political career and resonate with the Truth to help save lives will find it here; that applies to the authorities and political pundits.

I’m glad Flash is back.

Re: Imzaia Movement

Information above is all from public records.

List of "Planetary Cities of Light" along with names of coordinators: [groupofforty.com]

Next annual conference is titled "The Sacred Triangle – a New Paradigm for Planetary Healing" [groupofforty.com]


Topics include:

Thought projection and folding space time
Arcturian healing chambers.
Hoographic healing.
The Kabbalah and the Fifth Dimension .
Soul psychology.

Re: Imzaia Movement

Relevant information on unprofessional conduct, Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners:

16. "Unprofessional conduct" includes the following, whether occurring in this state or elsewhere:
(a) Conviction of a felony. Conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction or a plea of no contest is conclusive evidence of the conviction.
(b) Use of fraud or deceit in connection with rendering services as a licensee or in establishing qualifications pursuant to this chapter.
(c) Any oral or written misrepresentation of a fact by an applicant or licensee:
(i) To secure or attempt to secure the issuance or renewal of a license.
(ii) In any statements provided during an investigation or disciplinary proceeding by the board.
(iii) Regarding the licensee's skills or the value of any treatment provided or to be provided.
(d) Any false, fraudulent or deceptive statement connected with the practice of behavioral health, including false or misleading advertising by the licensee or the licensee's staff or a representative compensated by the licensee.
(e) Securing or attempting to secure the issuance or renewal of a license by knowingly taking advantage of the mistake of another person or the board.
(f) Active habitual intemperance in the use of alcohol or active habitual substance abuse.
(g) Using a controlled substance that is not prescribed for use during a prescribed course of treatment.
(h) Obtaining a fee by fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.
(i) Aiding or abetting a person who is not licensed pursuant to this chapter to purport to be a licensed behavioral health professional in this state.
(j) Conduct that the board determines is gross negligence or repeated negligence in the licensee's profession.
(k) Any conduct or practice that is contrary to recognized standards of ethics in the behavioral health profession or that constitutes a danger to the health, welfare or safety of a client.
(l) Any conduct, practice or condition that impairs the ability of the licensee to safely and competently practice the licensee's profession.
(m) Engaging or offering to engage as a licensee in activities that are not congruent with the licensee's professional education, training or experience.
(n) Failing to comply with or violating, attempting to violate or assisting in or abetting the violation of any provision of this chapter, any rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, any lawful order of the board, or any formal order, consent agreement, term of probation or stipulated agreement issued under this chapter.
(o) Failing to furnish information within a specified time to the board or its investigators or representatives if legally requested by the board.
(p) Failing to conform to minimum practice standards as developed by the board.
(q) Failing or refusing to maintain adequate records of behavioral health services provided to a client.
(r) Providing behavioral health services that are clinically unjustified or unsafe or otherwise engaging in activities as a licensee that are unprofessional by current standards of practice.
(s) Terminating behavioral health services to a client without making an appropriate referral for continuation of care for the client if continuing behavioral health services are indicated.
(t) Disclosing a professional confidence or privileged communication except as may otherwise be required by law or permitted by a valid written release.
(u) Failing to allow the board or its investigators on demand to examine and have access to documents, reports and records in any format maintained by the licensee that relate to the licensee's practice of behavioral health.
(v) Any sexual conduct between a licensee and a client or former client.
(w) Providing behavioral health services to any person with whom the licensee has had sexual contact.
(x) Exploiting a client, former client or supervisee. For the purposes of this subdivision, "exploiting" means taking advantage of a professional relationship with a client, former client or supervisee for the benefit or profit of the licensee.
(y) Engaging in a dual relationship with a client that could impair the licensee's objectivity or professional judgment or create a risk of harm to the client. For the purposes of this subdivision, "dual relationship" means a licensee simultaneously engages in both a professional and nonprofessional relationship with a client that is avoidable and not incidental.
(z) Engaging in physical contact between a licensee and a client if there is a reasonable possibility of physical or psychological harm to the client as a result of that contact.

Arizona [www.azleg.gov]

Complaint form [azbbhe.us]

David Miller License # LCSW-0174 [www.azbbhe.us]
Gudrun Miller License # LPC-0544 [www.azbbhe.us]

Re: Imzaia Movement

I got my Davids mixed up in my research, the last three posts don't belong in this thread. Sorry about that, I let moderator know.

Imzaia was founded by David Dubie.[lovingenergies.net]

Web archive on David Dubie - Imzaia, includes photos of him [web.archive.org]

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Very classic Haribol funny:

For Twizel businessman Rick Ramsay, the deputy mayor of the district, the Ti Leaf crew had been high profile in the town, but generally tried to keep to themselves. Combined with some alternative behaviour by some members, it created an “information vacuum” which was filled by rumours and gossip by a minority.

“They weren’t like the other film crews who were down in the pub. It was certainly different from the situation most people were used to. But they paid their bills and I think Twizel made them welcome, but they were different, ” he said.

“Everyone knew the house was lined with tin foil and that the house had been converted to something else with air conditioning and a filter system. I don’t think that would be a surprise to anyone.

“I had a fair bit to do with the film crew and one of the points I made to these guys was that if you don’t let the community know what’s going on, you’re likely to feed the rumour mill. If you let a vacuum be created, you end up with something that could be avoided.”


I bet scriptwriter, His Divine Weirdness Chris Butler did not apologize for this million-dollar comedic blunder, because weirdness is our true nature; weirdness is God’s way; and weirdness is what the world should seek to save itself from its normal evil ways.

That’s fine, it’s a free world. If you can afford it, you can be anything you want. Except, when children accept weirdness as the normal and wonder how come the neighbors do otherwise and look at them differently. Well, weirdness is costly and not all parents have the multi-million dollar money to launder and to sustain a “not-so-mainstream” lifestyle the tin-foil don guru has.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Thank you Flash ...Now that I learn that your a woman i love you even more
what can i do Henry love intelligent ladies (humor)

I read all that was posted on Rama blog ..This must be the only picture we have of Butler with gray hair ....and relaxing on that ball ..
The whole episode in New Zeland is intriguing ...The movie "THE LOST PRINCE "
scrip written by Chris Butler ...the only lost prince was himself and his lost princess Wai Lana ...asking his little slaves to serve him like a KING ...and using 3000 liters of water a day ...to keep the dust away .
no wonder the locals where concerned of him and is gang of brainwash followers .
i wonder after reading Rama ji blog ...if the movie was just a pretext to stay in New Zeland ??.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity

Dharmabum wrote:


hat’s fine, it’s a free world. If you can afford it, you can be anything you want. Except, when children accept weirdness as the normal and wonder how come the neighbors do otherwise and look at them differently. Well, weirdness is costly and not all parents have the multi-million dollar money to launder and to sustain a “not-so-mainstream” lifestyle the tin-foil don guru has.

Chris Butler claimed his is a religious world and is therefore tax exempt.

That means the rest of us tax paying peons indirectly subsidize Chris Butler's tin-foil lined world.

Gurus are expensive, not only for their followers but the rest of society as well.

A guru's freedom isnt free if disciples live in emotional and financial slavery and the rest of us pay the tax burden for this tinfoil lined circus tent and its germ-phobic, agoraphobic ringmaster.
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