This discussion is for those groups which do one or more of the following:
Diets which have led to deaths
Situations in which someone who follows a recommended diet and then departs from that diet is then vilified, shunned or cybertrolled.
Universal Medicine - Serge Benhayon - Australia
Message Board Discussion
Thirty Bananas a Day - Message Board Discussion
Breatharianism - articles
Diets which have led to deaths
Situations in which someone who follows a recommended diet and then departs from that diet is then vilified, shunned or cybertrolled.
Universal Medicine - Serge Benhayon - Australia
Message Board Discussion
Thirty Bananas a Day - Message Board Discussion
Breatharianism - articles
Today, there are at least a dozen self-proclaimed Breatharian gurus around the world, connecting with followers and each other through expensive workshops and retreats, books, videos and — of course — the internet.
The most famous is a self-proclaimed prophet of ‘spiritual cleansing’ from Australia called Jasmuheen, who claims a person can survive on prana energy and 300 calories a day.
The blonde Jasmuheen was a former financial consultant named Ellen Greve before she saw the light — in her case the ‘liquid light’ of the divine life force from which the enlightened can draw nourishment.