Henri Jolicoeur, French Canadian Psychotherapist and Cult Watcher, warns US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to beware of Tulsi Gabbard who is under the mind control of cult-leader Chris Butler.
Recent comments on Truth Digger at Reddit.com regarding Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders:
Excerpts below.
Her endorsement of Sanders is a very good move, but I highly doubt Sanders would choose her as VP…
She seems to be tightly connected to the Lanikai cult. I’m trying to find out what is true and what is false, but if she takes her cues from the cult leader Chris Butler I doubt Sanders would want to be connected to that mess…
Gonna need a bit more than a WordPress conspiracy theory site to make a real accusation…
Absolutely. That’s why I’m trying to find out…
There’s not enough information to say she’s still connected…
I think the main problem is that she’s not exactly clear about her past with Butler. No straight answers from her…
We’ll see…
Does it matter, anyway?…
If this Chris Butler has a huge influence on her, yes, i would think so…
Considering that this Science of Identity staunchly opposes homosexuality and Tulsi has recently endorsed same-sex marriage, I’d assume it’s not that strong…
Remember when conservatives tried to use Obama’s priest to discredit him?…
Because that worked out well…
I’m not trying to discredit anyone. I think Tulsi Gabbard would make a great VP. Please check my comment history and see what I said about her
It’s just that I came across this story and found it interesting enough to research…
Oh no, I didn’t mean to imply you were…
You do raise a good point, though. Even if Tulsi has no connections with the SIF, we can still expect some smear campaigns in the general election trying to tie her to a family past with a mysterious cult…
She also fund-raises for India’s anti-muslim nationalist BJP party here in the US…