Channel: Cult Education Forum - "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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Glen Wills "Herc", Macca "Makunda" Wills, Sita Wills and Jivi Gabriel (Wills)

Here is a little public post I just made on my Facebook to some cult donkeys near to my heart:

A message to Glen Wills "Herc", Macca Wills, Sita Wills and Jivi Gabriel - Wills

Glenn Wills-Herc I think if you haven't spoken a word to me since this article came out, that's ignoring me. That's treating me like a sub human piece of scum.

We spent the previous year before that article reconnecting on Facebook and I've known you and your family my whole life yet this article comes out in NZ papers and I never hear from you or anyone in your family again.

Part 1: [i.stuff.co.nz]

Part 2: [i.stuff.co.nz]

All that really means is you support the cult of Siddhaswarupananda, you are complicit in raising us kids in a drug trafficking secretive and completely insane cult that abuses its members.

I watched my mother receive constant abuse from Chris Butler, she raised me without asthma medication for years on his orders, as I suffered days in end for no reason.

Your own daughter Jivi Gabriel is a high ranking cult member, she makes her kids worship Chris Butler and you are cool as fuck with that.

All of this I do not care about, but the bottom line is that you, Sita and Macca all had pretty significant bonds with me, and especially since we all spent a lot of time reconnecting right before the 3 of you cut me out just like all the cult members.

You are all free to do this, but you are being used as an instrument of the cult to further punish me in being part of my excommunication and all three of you have done your part to help destroy me.

It might sound dramatic, but the cult you helped raised us all in has systems of excommunication to threaten and control us kids who were born in but do not follow along. You guys absolutely jumped at the chance to conduct yourselves exactly as all the cult members did in relation to me. You guys looked down on me in silence, not even with the human decency to tell me directly what the problem is.

If you had said anything like "sorry man, I do not agree with this" or "I am in a very awkward position as a friend of yours and your mother's, I gotta take you off my list"

Any of that would have meant a lot, but the bottom line is you guys are cowards and you are keeping yourselves out of any turbulence as you are surrounded by these cult members as friends and family.

I know that you, Sita and Macca don't chant but you all just earned yourselves honorary Chris Butler Cult badges of honor.

Maybe he will send you guys a family pack of fresh Maha toenails.

I really want to add an article to my blog about the Wills Family Cult Donkeys and the absolute shit show down in Twizel, how you fuck heads dissed me and how the whole ugly mess ties straight back to the death of Sri Shim by your (more or less) son in law Sai Hansen and how the death of Sri Shim is actually going to be the ruin of this sick fucking cult after all.

Cheers Herc you fake cunt, I sure would love to see you and Macca in person and tell you what scum you are to your faces, but we'll cross that bridge when we reach it.

Hi Jivi! How's it going? I heard you are doing so well in the Chris Butler cult that he put you in charge of running my Mum's own bed and breakfast while for some reason he has my 60 year old mum cleaning rooms up the road at mount cook for money while you run her business. That's really cool!

I think my Mum deserves some nice degrading manual labor after all the sacrifices she has made for your lord and master Chris Siddhaswarupananda Butler. Is it at all possible that Chris "Petty Bitch" Butler is trying to punish Robyn Ranson for the actions of her evil son? Absolutely, that is how Chris Petty Bitch Butler rolls, just ask any ex cult member.

So Jivi, I know you make your kids worship this cult leader on a yoga ball, but do you feed them the holy communion of his disgusting fucking toenail clippings, you fucking freak?

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself for feeding your children to this cult, but your dad fed you into it and my Mum raised you as her own cult daughter for the past 20 years, so I guess the blame is shared.

Cheers to my mum Robyn Ranson for being a loyal toenail chomping brainwashed cult member, disowning me in 2006 for speaking out against the cult, blocking me from attending my own father's funeral in 2008 and doing her absolute best to turn anyone she can against me.

I leave you all with a parting shot of their God almighty, Chris Butler the insane cult leader in the very house my Mum owns on his behalf that Jivi now runs.



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