Channel: Cult Education Forum - "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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Given the many revelations coming out of Wikileaks and how the Democratic Party* specifically operates and given how Chris Butler runs his show; it would not surprise me to discover that Angela Kaahue is a troll, a plant, a purposed foil.

The pathetic Kaahue lawsuit is so ridiculous, so inane, as to appear a giant distraction. Mr Butler is a master of creating straw men. He loves to play these knds of games. He has run them on this forum. He could easily have been behind Angela all along, as much as he was behind (allegedly) Inoyue's hairdresser. I am serious. I thought her candidacy was questionable and this astoundingly stupid lawsuit with no chance of winning confirms (almost) my suspicions.

If you read a few batches of Wikileaks and watch the Project Veritas videos, you'll understand that this conclusion is not so far fetched or impossible.

The Kaahue lawsuit is perfectly poised to both distract from recent Tulsi DNC controversies and to silence all talk about her connection to the Butler cult.

Tulsi's achilles heel and weakness is her formidable ties to the Butler cult. The lawsuit will make Tulsi the underdog, the attacked woman. It will underscore her "freedom of religion" argument used by every other destructive cult on earth.

Remember the speech Tulsi made at the liberal, humaninst, atheist venue that dharmabum protested about to the organizers? I don't remember the name, but I remember her speech. It was a boring drone about freedom of religion and anti-sectarianism, along with supporting the freedom to be an atheist. (Most of the audience was not listening.) To what purpose? Her speech reiterated givens protected by law. It was just another place to campaign, get name recognition, and pre-emptively lay out her defense against any cult exposure.

Back to Wikileaks. And yes, I have actually read quite a bit. You can find a few things about Tulsi there. More on that later. Believe what the alt media is saying. It's all there. The level of lies, spin, and collusion is beyond my imagining. Butler loves this kind of system and fits in hand to glove. (*P.S. - The RNC would do the same).

It explains a lot of Tulsi's rapid rise and possible fall in the Democratic Party. Guru Butler being a son of super leftist progressives also made Tulsi initially immune from criticism with the DNC. "Hey, if her guru is on board with our policies and has a contingency of voters, who cares?" It's all about winning and power. But you'll have to do your own research. A lot can happen in the following years.

I found Tulsi Gabbard mentioned in both the Podesta and DNC leaks. Most of the stuff we already know and has been reported here. But the following email was of special interest. Make your own conclusions. I don't think old Wolfy Blitzkreig will be petting her on his CNN show any time soon.



From: Darnell Strom
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 3:13 PM
To: Tulsi Gabbard (tulsi.gabbard@gmail.com<mailto:tulsi.gabbard@gmail.com>)
Cc: Michael Kives

Subject: Disappointed

Representative Gabbard, We were very disappointed to hear that you would resign your position with the DNC so you could endorse Bernie Sanders, a man who has never been a Democrat before. When we met over dinner a couple of years ago I was so impressed by your intellect, your passion, and commitment to getting things done on behalf of the American people. For you to endorse a man who has spent almost 40 years in public office with very few accomplishments, doesn't fall in line with what we previously thought of you. Hillary Clinton will be our party's nominee and you standing on ceremony to support the sinking Bernie Sanders ship is disrespectful to Hillary Clinton. A woman who has spent the vast majority of her life in public service and working on behalf of women, families, and the underserved. You have called both myself and Michael Kives before about helping your campaign raise money, we no longer trust your judgement so will not be raising money for your campaign.

Darnell Strom & Michael Kives

I recommend reading batches of [wikileaks.org] as an exercise in enlightenment. Make sure you have a barf bag and someone to talk to afterwards.

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