Seb Pierce has written code foooor...
The New Age Bullshit Generator
As Seb Pierce put it:
Corboy note: Do not worry that your yoga class or guru darshan group or your Advaita satsang group will bust you.
Just have a look at the film Kumare -- a bloke intentionally impersonated a guru, made his devotees do humiliating things, and even after he revealed he was a fake, some continued to believe him.
The one person who was enraged and walked out was a woman who had hoped to partner with him and teach worldwide.
The New Age Bullshit Generator
New Age Bullshit Generator
Do you want to sell a New Age product and/or service?
Tired of coming up with meaningless copy for your starry-eyed customers?
Want to join the ranks of bestselling self-help authors?
We can help.
Just click and the truth will manifest
Click the Reionize electrons button at the top of the page to generate a full page of New Age poppycock.
The inspiration for this idea came from watching philosophy debates involving Deepak Chopra. I wrote a blog post* about it if you're interested.
After sitting through hours of New Age rhetoric, I decided to have a crack at writing code to generate it automatically and speed things up a bit.
I cobbled together a list of New Age buzzwords and cliché sentence patterns and this is the result.
You’ll get some profound-sounding nonsense here, too.
So, what is this for?
Put it on your website as placeholder text.
Print it out as a speech for your yoga class and see if anyone can guess a computer wrote it.
Use it to write the hottest new bestseller in the self-help section, or give false hope to depressed friends and family members.
As Seb Pierce put it:
Lastly, to the people it offended: don’t worry. This is just a digital manifestation of the infinite being mocking itself through quantum pulses of energy. And who is the “I” who is offended, anyway?
Corboy note: Do not worry that your yoga class or guru darshan group or your Advaita satsang group will bust you.
Just have a look at the film Kumare -- a bloke intentionally impersonated a guru, made his devotees do humiliating things, and even after he revealed he was a fake, some continued to believe him.
The one person who was enraged and walked out was a woman who had hoped to partner with him and teach worldwide.