The decision to have children, and how many children is a matter for
the couple to decide.
No guru or master or mistress has the right to butt in on so private and
momentous a decision.
No guru, pir, sheikh or avatar is wise enough or good enough to tell you
whether to have children or how many.
One's standing in a lodge or spiritual academy should never depend on whether
one is married or has children. Nor should anyone ever suggest or give
even the slightest hint that unmarried persons are spiritually or karmically
inferior to those who have married.
Having children does not mean one has more virtue or is at a higher level of
spiritual attainment than those who do not have children.
Ditto for marriage vs. remaining unmarried.
People who prefer to delay marriage and children and those who decide to remain single for life must not be devalued in a lodge or tariqa or church.
Parents are overwhelmed by the workload; persons who remain single or coupled without children have the energy to get involved with neighbors, remain interested in a much wider range of topics and can more readily pursue continuing education and travel.
They can offer often have an independent perspective which will prevent a leader and group from becoming socially inbred and also enable the group to maintain friendly and candid ties to the larger neighborhood. .
Long term, this will have benefits for everyone.
the couple to decide.
No guru or master or mistress has the right to butt in on so private and
momentous a decision.
No guru, pir, sheikh or avatar is wise enough or good enough to tell you
whether to have children or how many.
One's standing in a lodge or spiritual academy should never depend on whether
one is married or has children. Nor should anyone ever suggest or give
even the slightest hint that unmarried persons are spiritually or karmically
inferior to those who have married.
Having children does not mean one has more virtue or is at a higher level of
spiritual attainment than those who do not have children.
Ditto for marriage vs. remaining unmarried.
People who prefer to delay marriage and children and those who decide to remain single for life must not be devalued in a lodge or tariqa or church.
Parents are overwhelmed by the workload; persons who remain single or coupled without children have the energy to get involved with neighbors, remain interested in a much wider range of topics and can more readily pursue continuing education and travel.
They can offer often have an independent perspective which will prevent a leader and group from becoming socially inbred and also enable the group to maintain friendly and candid ties to the larger neighborhood. .
Long term, this will have benefits for everyone.