Privacy is negotiated in a context of fair dealing and mutual respect. Privacy is
consensual and all parties know all of the background information.
Secrecy is done in the context of a power imbalance and in which the underlings
are not given all information needed to give un coerced consent.
Secrecy and fear go together. One feels trapped. The power holder desires control.
What we are objecting to is secrecy.
Here are some other posts about secrecy
consensual and all parties know all of the background information.
Secrecy is done in the context of a power imbalance and in which the underlings
are not given all information needed to give un coerced consent.
Secrecy and fear go together. One feels trapped. The power holder desires control.
What we are objecting to is secrecy.
Here are some other posts about secrecy