Rama Das (slave name) Wrote:
> A new documentary about the ongoing child abuse
> and corruption within ISKCON and the Hare Krishna
> movement.
> Cost Of Silence
> http://youtu.be/U
> vlRAyM3p4Q
The free mind and open society
Most poverty resulted from bad governance. It’s unequivocal, wealthy nations owe their success to having an open society, defined as one "in which individuals are confronted with personal decisions" as opposed to a "magical or tribal or collectivist society."
In the closed society, claims to certain knowledge and ultimate truth lead to the attempted imposition of one version of reality. Such a society is closed to freedom of thought. In contrast, in an open society each citizen needs to engage in critical thinking, which requires freedom of thought and expression and the cultural and legal institutions that can facilitate this.
Religious cults at best share the same themes organized religions contribute to society – peace, love and charity, that society values and in return protect religious rights. For that, unfortunately, religious cults get an easy free pass to undermine the most basic foundation of an open society, that of a free mind.
Religious cults ring an “utmost surrender” of one’s will, not just to a Supreme Being but to a guru, who always claims to be “The Representative”.
Open societies are by no means perfect, but countries that embrace superstitious values above pragmatic principles are usually poor that results to having less educated populations that are easily manipulated by unqualified politicians and self-interest groups that lead to a protracted and vicious cycle which can last for decades, even centuries. Poorer education always guarantees poorer governance.
If you are to join a cult, be reminded that not only you are propagating a mindset that does not distinguish between natural laws and archaic religious customs, also has no room for individual accountability and responsibility for genuine moral choices. A free mind is simply incompatible with religious belief.
Most of all, you are contributing to a much larger victimhood. Surrendering your will or critical thinking is tantamount to becoming a willing rape victim. Brainwashing is a psychological rape. If you’re an adult, it’s within your rights, but to involve children, let alone, your own children, think of this. Will you allow your child to get raped? Gurus are rapists of the mind.
> A new documentary about the ongoing child abuse
> and corruption within ISKCON and the Hare Krishna
> movement.
> Cost Of Silence
> http://youtu.be/U
> vlRAyM3p4Q
The free mind and open society
Most poverty resulted from bad governance. It’s unequivocal, wealthy nations owe their success to having an open society, defined as one "in which individuals are confronted with personal decisions" as opposed to a "magical or tribal or collectivist society."
In the closed society, claims to certain knowledge and ultimate truth lead to the attempted imposition of one version of reality. Such a society is closed to freedom of thought. In contrast, in an open society each citizen needs to engage in critical thinking, which requires freedom of thought and expression and the cultural and legal institutions that can facilitate this.
Religious cults at best share the same themes organized religions contribute to society – peace, love and charity, that society values and in return protect religious rights. For that, unfortunately, religious cults get an easy free pass to undermine the most basic foundation of an open society, that of a free mind.
Religious cults ring an “utmost surrender” of one’s will, not just to a Supreme Being but to a guru, who always claims to be “The Representative”.
Open societies are by no means perfect, but countries that embrace superstitious values above pragmatic principles are usually poor that results to having less educated populations that are easily manipulated by unqualified politicians and self-interest groups that lead to a protracted and vicious cycle which can last for decades, even centuries. Poorer education always guarantees poorer governance.
If you are to join a cult, be reminded that not only you are propagating a mindset that does not distinguish between natural laws and archaic religious customs, also has no room for individual accountability and responsibility for genuine moral choices. A free mind is simply incompatible with religious belief.
Most of all, you are contributing to a much larger victimhood. Surrendering your will or critical thinking is tantamount to becoming a willing rape victim. Brainwashing is a psychological rape. If you’re an adult, it’s within your rights, but to involve children, let alone, your own children, think of this. Will you allow your child to get raped? Gurus are rapists of the mind.