Whose Congresswoman is Tulsi Gabbard?
Who let the Boat Out?
In relation to Sri Shim's bloody death, Tulsi Gabbard has earned the title "Tulsi the Silent."
So, she still has her Congressional seat.
Will she appear in person to her Second District and run for re-election?
How's this for some street theater?
Protestors with their mouths X'd shut with duct tape carrying
Security guards can ban and eject protestors from events, but cannot prohibit protestors from assembling outside.
Those inconvenient First Amendment rights.
What is important is never to destroy or deface property.
Further advice if anyone wishes to stage a protest to highlight Tulsi's silence:
Keep the focus just on that.
The election could become a referendum on whether remains a worthy incumbent. silence shows her to remain a worthy incumbent.
Make it clear that property ownership is
the American way and is respected. No vandalism. If anyone is arrested
creating vandalism or other trouble at a WHO LET THE BOAT OUT? event,
wash your hands of them. let them find their own lawyers.
Do not allow outsiders to barge in with their pet causes and blur distinctions.
Regard them as opportunists and tell them to get out and get away. These folks study ways to tailgate legitimate causes, so don't be polite to them. Many are likely to be mainlanders and need a blunt command to get lost.
Keep this .about Sri Shim and about Tulsi's silence, that is all. Keep this pointed at District Two and Tulsi's silence and the question of where Tulsi's her true loyalties actually lie.
Most important: do not allow disruptive punks to use your gathering
as an occasion to go disruptive and harass businesses and property owners.
Anyone who gets arrested for property destruction or sassing the police, let sit in jail, find their own lawyers, make their own bail.
Whose Congresswoman is Tulsi Gabbard?
Who let the Boat Out?
In relation to Sri Shim's bloody death, Tulsi Gabbard has earned the title "Tulsi the Silent."
So, she still has her Congressional seat.
Will she appear in person to her Second District and run for re-election?
How's this for some street theater?
Protestors with their mouths X'd shut with duct tape carrying
Security guards can ban and eject protestors from events, but cannot prohibit protestors from assembling outside.
Those inconvenient First Amendment rights.
What is important is never to destroy or deface property.
Further advice if anyone wishes to stage a protest to highlight Tulsi's silence:
Keep the focus just on that.
The election could become a referendum on whether remains a worthy incumbent. silence shows her to remain a worthy incumbent.
Make it clear that property ownership is
the American way and is respected. No vandalism. If anyone is arrested
creating vandalism or other trouble at a WHO LET THE BOAT OUT? event,
wash your hands of them. let them find their own lawyers.
Do not allow outsiders to barge in with their pet causes and blur distinctions.
Regard them as opportunists and tell them to get out and get away. These folks study ways to tailgate legitimate causes, so don't be polite to them. Many are likely to be mainlanders and need a blunt command to get lost.
Keep this .about Sri Shim and about Tulsi's silence, that is all. Keep this pointed at District Two and Tulsi's silence and the question of where Tulsi's her true loyalties actually lie.
Most important: do not allow disruptive punks to use your gathering
as an occasion to go disruptive and harass businesses and property owners.
Anyone who gets arrested for property destruction or sassing the police, let sit in jail, find their own lawyers, make their own bail.
Whose Congresswoman is Tulsi Gabbard?