If you simply read the Gita "song of God" or the Srimad Bhagavatam without the super lengthy recruitment style commentaries, you will find that the long commentaries are there because Iskcon does not like all of what Krishna says and so they need to speak for God. They say you cannot understand what God says without their sales pitch with each verse. haha
Celibacy is not mentioned in the Gita or the Vedas. In the Upanishads there is a vague possible reference with the idea of controlling the tongue, belly and genitals, but no celibacy.
There is sex life "according to the Vedas" mentioned, which is OK to do, and which Krishna claims to "be" a personification of, but no one can clearly even define what that means. lol It is generally interpreted as no sex outside of marriage, but again no mention of celibacy.
Even though I think God is referencing to his omniscience as a way to possibly contact Him, I am still not impressed with some of what Krishna says in Gita, for example all the bragging that sounds like a megalomaniac.... "I am this.. I am that... no one really knows me...." Actually the philosophy states that all souls are also part of water, air etc. so what is Krishna bragging about? Did he make himself God and we did not? What did God accomplish in order to be God? If he was born or as they say "unborn" that way, then why brag?
This is the psychological reason why Iskconites go around bragging while claiming they are pursuing a humble mindset. lol
It is far safer to be correct than to be humble..... Once a Guru said to me, "well u could be a little humble"... to which I replied, "Hey I am not the one with people following me around and bowing down to me all day, and serving me hand and foot. " LOLOLOLOL
Celibacy is not mentioned in the Gita or the Vedas. In the Upanishads there is a vague possible reference with the idea of controlling the tongue, belly and genitals, but no celibacy.
There is sex life "according to the Vedas" mentioned, which is OK to do, and which Krishna claims to "be" a personification of, but no one can clearly even define what that means. lol It is generally interpreted as no sex outside of marriage, but again no mention of celibacy.
Even though I think God is referencing to his omniscience as a way to possibly contact Him, I am still not impressed with some of what Krishna says in Gita, for example all the bragging that sounds like a megalomaniac.... "I am this.. I am that... no one really knows me...." Actually the philosophy states that all souls are also part of water, air etc. so what is Krishna bragging about? Did he make himself God and we did not? What did God accomplish in order to be God? If he was born or as they say "unborn" that way, then why brag?
This is the psychological reason why Iskconites go around bragging while claiming they are pursuing a humble mindset. lol
It is far safer to be correct than to be humble..... Once a Guru said to me, "well u could be a little humble"... to which I replied, "Hey I am not the one with people following me around and bowing down to me all day, and serving me hand and foot. " LOLOLOLOL