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Re: Danger - Sahaha Yoga and Cancer

Sahaja Yogi:”’ This is a response to the allegations – which was published on the Internet against Sahaja Yoga. This is a response by Sahaja Yoga to these allegations:

“There has been some recent material on the Internet which contains allegations made against Sahaja Yoga and its founder, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. All of these allegations are coming from a group of very few people who are supported by some false gurus or by some criminal organizations. It is such a bundle of falsehood that it is rather difficult to pay any attention to such nonsensical allegations.

All kinds of people come into Sahaja Yoga because the doors of Sahaja Yoga are open to all. Some of these people were thrown out, either because they were immoral or they were cheating other Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yoga is the absolute manifestation of Divine reality and truth. To begin with, the greatest miracle is that there are thousands and thousands of miraculous photographs of Shri Mataji. Most of them were taken by very ordinary cameras and by amateurs. One photograph appeared in Brisbane in the sky as a painting of Raphael, which was a painting that Shri Mataji liked very much. In the actual painting…”

”’Shri Mataji: ”’This Raphael paints mostly the Mother and Child. And, I was told there’s a exhibition here of Raphael. I would like to go and see that.

”’Yogi continues to read:”’

”’ “”’In the actual painting, there was a halo at the back of the Holy Mother; but in the sky it was on top of the Mother. In England, they were singing the song “Sitting in the Heart of the Universe” and all around Her appeared many hearts drawn in lines exactly as one would find in a medical text.

Very early on in Switzerland, they saw clouds clustering into a very clear image of Shri Mataji – absolutely perfect. There are deities that appeared in full form behind Her, and angels that are seen very clearly. We all felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on our finger tips. Many Muslims also felt it. This has been described in the Holy Quran, that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. And after tallying with Shri Mataji’s knowledge and Her description of relationships between vibrations and chakras, we were surprised how it was the perfect knowledge of our subtle system.

So many countries have given awards to Mother. In America, Sahaja Yoga is accepted as a religion, and you can be prosecuted for referring to it as a cult. Shri Mataji’s achievements are recorded in the congressional archives; and highly respected doctors, scientists, professionals have recognized Her. Leaders of this country from mayors and governors, to presidential candidates have sent felicitations to Her. In America, She has been honored in major cities by dedicating a day in Her name as “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi day”.

Her deep knowledge has stunned people. And, She has been awarded advanced degrees of Ph.D from leading world universities. Fabulous revelations of Her Divine personality are captured on film, in thousands of miracle photographs which manifest the greatest forms of deities and divinity.

How unfortunately stupid they were not to understand the great miracles that the Divine created to convince human beings so that they may not go astray. But this is kaliyuga and they failed to recognize the truth despite all these revelations.

We discovered that one of these few culprits used to sleep with the maid servant in the Ashram, even though he was married and was caught. And, then he was caught and was thrown out of the Ashram. One of them had a car accident with a lady, but blamed another Sahaja Yogi for it. When the lady recognized his picture in a group photograph, the police arrested him. We don’t know what the police did to him, but as a result he turned against Sahaja Yoga.

Another one brought money to be given to Sahaja Yoga. But since Shri Mataji never takes money from individuals like that, She refused the money. This was black money from a woman who had died. We didn’t inform the police about this because we would not take black money. He got frightened and turned against Sahaja Yoga. Another one had built a house which he wanted Shri Mataji to buy. She didn’t buy it because it was of no use to Sahaja Yoga. And so, he turned against Sahaja Yoga and became bankrupt. He was an idle, lazy lump and a drug user; and thought himself to be lord of the whole world – very quarrelsome, arrogant and a stupid fellow. We are relieved that he has left Sahaja Yoga.

They are such nonsensical people because they talk about allegations of tax evasion by Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji is a registered, non-resident Indian and does not need to pay any tax on casual income. These people are illiterate and don’t know tax laws.

In these allegations, they also spoke about Her husband, who is recognized by the British government for his immaculate and extremely honest work, and was bestowed the title of KCMG. He is such a well regarded personality that these people who are trying to throw dirt on his character cannot even get jobs as peons in his office.

Her brother was also a great soul. He never took advantage of Sahaja Yoga. And, has built a great, a very great, academy of music. These people are not even equal to touch the dust of his feet. They are such low-level people, they are cowards to write such trash on the Internet. There is not even the slightest truth in these statements, only blatant lies. These allegations on the Internet are such cowardly acts. If they claim allegations against Her or Sahaja Yoga, then why don’t they come to the court of law?

This theory that Rajneesh has influenced Shri Mataji is another myth. Can Rajneesh or any of his disciples give realization to people? You can answer this yourself. To make allegations that Shri Mataji makes a lot of money through Sahaja Yoga is absurd. The money for the work of Sahaja Yoga was collected during the first few years by only four leaders. They gulped all the money for their advantage without showing any accounts. So, the senior members of Sahaja Yoga asked permission of Shri Mataji to collect the money in Her name and put it in the bank. Still, Shri Mataji for twenty years has spent all Her money for travel, halls, activities of Sahaja Yoga.

People only paid for their tour in India. For the purchase of Shudy Camps, She spent Her own four hundred thousand sterling pounds, which is recorded and only two hundred and fifty thousand pounds were given by Sahaja Yogis. Approximately hundred people stayed absolutely free at the house for more than four years. Since the house was sold for only four hundred thousand pounds, all that money belonged to Shri Mataji.

By now, we really felt ashamed that why should Mother spent all this money Herself when She has given us health, wealth, balance, peace and joy through self realization? Apart from that, She has given us Divine knowledge which is invaluable. And, we felt that it would be parasitic to make Her spend all this money because She would not take any money from any individual.

She has cured many rich people, and they were all trying to give Her money; but She would not accept any. So, we thought that as a practice, we should give some money to our Mother who has worked so hard, sacrificing Her life, giving so much love and compassion. A small amount was fixed to give as Guru Dakshina as was a practice for all the true gurus of the world.

Shri Mataji has not gained financially at all through Sahaja Yoga; and even though it is absolutely legal to take or give money, it is certainly not a sin in giving and taking money from anyone. Do these people know how many projects Shri Mataji has opened in India, Italy, England, America, Australia and other parts of the world for noble and social causes? There are over thirty-five projects that She has single-handedly funded which you can see on our website at [ ].

The greatest lie is that Shri Mataji doesn’t love children. She has tremendous compassion for children; and the tapes that are quoted are bogus. The tape from Canberra is a complete manipulation of the truth since there was no child crying in the public program. Some lines are correct, but all falsehood is built on that. It’s true that Shri Mataji has great concern for realized children. We have many children in Sahaja Yoga who have received scholarships, awards and recognitions in schools, in many schools around the world. They are outstanding in their education and their moral character, and are extremely loving, dynamic and sweet children.

The western promiscuity and immorality have not entered into their minds. Shri Mataji has gone all out to save the children from drugs, child abuse, alcoholism, gangs, etc. The children in Sahaja Yoga are so outstanding, well behaved and well educated. These people are condemning Sahaja Yoga, while She has saved so many seekers and has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the world of turmoil.

There are some who have also cheated in Sahaja Yoga as leaders. All these despicable people have been thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. Some of these people have now turned against Sahaja Yoga because we don’t want them back.

Whatever has been mentioned in these allegations about Sahaja Yoga marriages is absolutely opposite of what really happens. First, the applicants from all over the world fill out and submit their application forms referencing their height, weight, education, income, family background and other important information. The couples are then chosen based on Divine vibrations. These couples then spend a few days meeting each other and getting to know each other in a completely moral manner. Only if they agree, they are then married in a collective wedding ceremony. There are over two hundred marriages per year performed in Sahaja Yoga from all over the world and the success rate of these marriages is about ninety-nine percent, with just one percent of the marriages that are voided. Since they are not registered until six months to a year after the ceremony so they have sufficient time to decide.

Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga since both the parties are adult and have full freedom to make their own decisions. We don’t know of any system among the world religions, especially in the West where there is a ninety-nine percent success rate in marriage. Sahaja Yoga glorifies the marriage institution, and we believe that morality can be naturally restored through proper Sahaja Yoga marriages. The cost of marriages in Sahaja Yoga is only about a hundred dollars which includes all the ornaments, presents, meals, etc. Sahaja Yoga culture and its system of marriages have completely abolished the dowry system, which we believe is one of the greatest reforms of the Indian social system.

The calculation of money that they have made is absurd. All the money that is collected in Sahaja Yoga by the organization is recorded with proper accounts, and is spent for so many social, charitable and noble works. All this money is deposited in respectable banks and institutions. There is not even a single cent that is deposited in a Swiss bank or a Monte Carlo type of organization as has been alleged in these accusations. There is a finance committee in every country which takes care of these funds and manages expenses from these funds.

In addition, all the casual income of Shri Mataji is recorded by one committee which spends funds from it appropriately on various noble and social projects worldwide to help helpless people. For the seminar collections, all of these accounts were created in the name of Shri Mataji because we had so many bad leaders in the past that became corrupted with money although Shri Mataji trusted them. All the funds collected in Sahaja Yoga are public knowledge. The money contributed by Sahaja Yogis is kept in the name of Sahaja Yoga. And only by Shri Mataji’s consent, is it spent for different expenses and projects. Since 1972, over thirty-six projects, such as land development, buildings, hospitals, schools, ashrams, institutes for social benefits, etc. have been created from these funds only. Progressively, many of these projects have been and are being transferred over to the Sahaja Yoga charitable organization.

Shri Mataji comes from a royal family, and Her husband comes from a family of landlords. The nobility of Her vision was so great that in the early years of Sahaja Yoga, She sold Her own jewelry to sponsor programs of Sahaja Yoga. Apart from that, Her husband has been working in London for sixteen years and had a salary of over five thousand sterling pounds after taxes in those days. In addition to all facilities, additionally they had very high gains from sale of houses in London. The point is that Shri Mataji is so independently well-off, that She didn’t need to start Sahaja Yoga to make money. In the early days of Sahaja Yoga, She paid from Her own money even the air tickets for so many new people who came to Sahaja Yoga to travel and experience spiritual places in India.

Shri Mataji has made us aware that all the religions are from the same principle and are to be respected by all of us. She has formed a global religion which is the innate, pure religion by giving us self realization. But so-called religions want to stay separate so that they can fight in the name of religion and God. From Her teaching many rituals, false ideas about religion, have been corrected. We respect all the incarnations, prophets and the realized souls of the past. These can be seen in the Sahaja Yoga publications such as Bible Enlightened, Islam Enlightenedand

Geeta Enlightened; and it can also be verified from the thousands of Her speeches.

There has never been a charge at the door for Sahaja Yoga meditation. We don’t get any charitable funding from any government agencies for doing our programs. How does one expect to have all these programs to be handled without money? Sahaja Yogis contribute freely whenever money is needed for projects. And, that is how it is done. No one in Sahaja Yoga has ever been forced or condemned for not giving money.

For the last thirty years, Shri Mataji has been working relentlessly and there have been no claims against Sahaja Yoga of any kind. At a personal level, She has sacrificed Her financial and family life enormously. These people should be ashamed of themselves to attack such a pure and noble personality who is full of love and compassion.

She has given us the lifelong gift of self realization, and we give Her something in return as a token of our love. There’s nothing wrong in that. At the puja seminars, our organization offers Her a gift from all of us. But She in return gives gifts to everyone in the seminar, sometimes thousands of people at a time. Shri Mataji is a very pure personality like Her name, Nirmala, which means “pure,” and is extremely detached about money.

There are so many false gurus and false teachers who have minted money and are still minting money. Why don’t these people write about them? An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Shri Mataji has benefited thousands and thousands of us with the blessings of Shri Mataji, while these few people have condemned Sahaja Yoga by their own malicious propaganda. In a way this is good, because as per Her Holiness Shri Mataji, this is the Last Judgment. And the people who follow this kind of falsehood will also miss this opportune time.

Many renowned scientists, professors, artists, prime ministers, presidents, home ministers, etc., have fully accepted Sahaja Yoga, because this is a pure science which cannot be challenged. There are so many signs in thousands of miracle photographs taken by Sahaja Yogis verifying the existence of Divinity in this era. There are scientists in many countries who have verified scientifically that Shri Mataji is the source of cosmic energy, and now many of them are writing books and theses on this.

We as Sahaja Yogis, have full faith that Shri Mataji is the promised Mother and the Holy Spirit which Christ has declared. These kinds of evil-spirited people who have always tortured great incarnations, Sufis and saints. Also, this was the kind of people who crucified Christ. As members of this wonderful organization, we have been asking Shri Mataji’s permission for the last one year to write a response against these false accusations, but She has been so compassionate, even towards these evil minded people. Now is the first time that She has allowed us to write such a response because of the pressure from so many Sahaja Yogis worldwide to do so.

Self realization is the actualization of baptism when the seeker gets connected to this all pervading Divine power called Ruh or Paramchaitanya. And, Einstein has described this as a torsion area. As a result of self realization, a seeker becomes balanced, peaceful and joyous. All of the six enemies of human life – like lust, greed, anger, attachment, jealousy and false pride – disappear. One becomes like a drop in the ocean of compassion and love. Such a transformation, which is described and predicted, takes place which is very much needed in the sinking world of turmoil today.

We don’t know how to thank Shri Mataji for this free gift. Shri Mataji is a perfect ideal to follow with so many world wide achievements that Her unfathomable knowledge and yet so much humility. Her motherly love and compassion is ever present even in the midst of thousands of people whose names and problems She remembers very well individually in minute details, as She receives the flower with Her loving smile that warms every heart and fills it with love.

The work of Sahaja Yoga is so tremendous that it cannot be described in this small letter, so please visit our website at [ ] for more details of Her work and Her relentless work.

This is the first of many articles that we want to publish to bring forth the real facts about Sahaja Yoga and about Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Even though we know most of these people who are writing these articles against Sahaja Yoga and their motives behind it, Shri Mataji has asked us not to mention their names as She feels that once they also called Her “Mother”.

Thank you.”
Talk To Sahaja Yogis
Los Angeles Ashram, Los Angeles (United States)

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