Sorry , wasnt meant to be creepy , maybe i am a closet cat lady and can see things in the ether but Am in denial
Anyway nice chatting . I have decided to opt out of all this cos it has a negative energy to it that is not helping anything and the whole thing just makes me feel angry so better i go for a walk and enjoy the company of a tree and the birds than vent my spleen on here
One wise guy told me 'your parents are your guru and then the world and nature takes over for them , go and sit by the river and when your mind becomes still you will know everything you need to know '
Anyway nice chatting . I have decided to opt out of all this cos it has a negative energy to it that is not helping anything and the whole thing just makes me feel angry so better i go for a walk and enjoy the company of a tree and the birds than vent my spleen on here
One wise guy told me 'your parents are your guru and then the world and nature takes over for them , go and sit by the river and when your mind becomes still you will know everything you need to know '