This is the old Mooji, back in 2007, whom I'm grateful to for his pointings:
Back then he seemed to embody what he spoke about. I get the sense he was experiencing the bliss of recognizing a dimension of self and reality that transcends the personal.
Here's present day Mooji: []
I get the sense that nowadays he's speaking mostly from memory instead of experience.
What has caused this apparent devolution? Maybe it's the fact that he took on the role of enlightened teacher. Once he took on this role, it became hard for him to admit to himself and others that he still had ways to go, still had binding identifications with the small self to dissolve. So the dissolving came to a halt, or reversed.
Does this awakening process ever come to an end? Can one ever have "arrived"? Cat lady "guru" from the tarot reading video posted above seems to think so. She wrote in the comment section below the video: "The path here completed in 1999. What he tries to speak of is the living reality here."
The spiritual teacher whose presence has impacted me most deeply was an old Japanese Zen monk. When asked if there can ever be an end to the awakening process, his answer was something like: "Every time I thought I had reached the peak of the mountain, it turned out to be just a plateau, not the peak." He was simultaneously the most wise and the most unassuming and humble person I have ever met.
Back then he seemed to embody what he spoke about. I get the sense he was experiencing the bliss of recognizing a dimension of self and reality that transcends the personal.
Here's present day Mooji: []
I get the sense that nowadays he's speaking mostly from memory instead of experience.
What has caused this apparent devolution? Maybe it's the fact that he took on the role of enlightened teacher. Once he took on this role, it became hard for him to admit to himself and others that he still had ways to go, still had binding identifications with the small self to dissolve. So the dissolving came to a halt, or reversed.
Does this awakening process ever come to an end? Can one ever have "arrived"? Cat lady "guru" from the tarot reading video posted above seems to think so. She wrote in the comment section below the video: "The path here completed in 1999. What he tries to speak of is the living reality here."
The spiritual teacher whose presence has impacted me most deeply was an old Japanese Zen monk. When asked if there can ever be an end to the awakening process, his answer was something like: "Every time I thought I had reached the peak of the mountain, it turned out to be just a plateau, not the peak." He was simultaneously the most wise and the most unassuming and humble person I have ever met.