IanKoviac wrote:
Corboy: One thing to keep an eye on: some cults have gained the trust of the general public by operating schools.
I am going to give a real life example.
The schools appear excellent to a general public anxious to obtain private education for children and willing to pay for it.
What parents are not told is that in this system, Rudolf Steiner was and remains the infallible guru. Steiner created his own interpretation of a karmic belief system.
It is too easy for karmic belief systems to include some hidden Brahmins
who define and establish a caste system and one that applies to outsiders.
One example are the schools operated according to the teachings of Rudolf Steiner/Anthroposophy, aka Waldof Schools.
Deceit, Waldorf astral
Steiner, Waldorf, racism
litigation against Waldorf whistleblowers
Gregoire Perra -former Waldorf teacher sued for giving insider information-
case against him dismissed.
Anthros believe that they have the skills and knowledge needed to create settings which actually bring down benign astral influences. They are convinced that non Anthroposophists, especially children, get good karmic influences by being
in Anthroposophically designed environments and events, and that this will
lead them to have good future rebirths.
As a result Anthroposophists feel entitled to hide the true nature of
their belief system from persons who would deprive themselves and their children
of all the karmic benefits.
What if, some day in the future, Butlerites were to create this kind of karma based dont tell them for their own good school, or God forbid, eldercare?
Why object?
For one thing, it is disrespectful and dishonest to hide information from
adults who would otherwise refuse to associate with you.
It is yet more condescending to conceal information from adults "for their own good."
So look out for anything led by a guru, poohbah, avatar, sheikh, murdhit.
If a school operates according to a system of secrets witheld from outsiders and lower ranking members, the latter find it impossible to please their superiors
because they do not know what the actual rules are. Parents are often
asked or required to donate volunteer time to the school, so they need to know
the actual rules -- both the spoken and unspoken rules. Otherwise the set
up will feel like a secret ridden family - aka toxic.
Now, back to our coverage of Chris Butler, Tulsi Gabbard, the Gabbard family and
--the bloody death of Shri Shim.
Wow. It's totally another butler school. The coed part is a nice touch. Hope sex Ed consists of more than anti-homosexual rhetoric and teaching kids that sex is not conducive to anything but having more Krishna kids...
Usually the kids in the schools were sent there so parents can focus on "service". I truly hope these kids get to go home every day and see their parents.
Corboy: One thing to keep an eye on: some cults have gained the trust of the general public by operating schools.
I am going to give a real life example.
The schools appear excellent to a general public anxious to obtain private education for children and willing to pay for it.
What parents are not told is that in this system, Rudolf Steiner was and remains the infallible guru. Steiner created his own interpretation of a karmic belief system.
It is too easy for karmic belief systems to include some hidden Brahmins
who define and establish a caste system and one that applies to outsiders.
One example are the schools operated according to the teachings of Rudolf Steiner/Anthroposophy, aka Waldof Schools.
Deceit, Waldorf astral
Steiner, Waldorf, racism
litigation against Waldorf whistleblowers
Gregoire Perra -former Waldorf teacher sued for giving insider information-
case against him dismissed.
Anthros believe that they have the skills and knowledge needed to create settings which actually bring down benign astral influences. They are convinced that non Anthroposophists, especially children, get good karmic influences by being
in Anthroposophically designed environments and events, and that this will
lead them to have good future rebirths.
As a result Anthroposophists feel entitled to hide the true nature of
their belief system from persons who would deprive themselves and their children
of all the karmic benefits.
What if, some day in the future, Butlerites were to create this kind of karma based dont tell them for their own good school, or God forbid, eldercare?
Why object?
For one thing, it is disrespectful and dishonest to hide information from
adults who would otherwise refuse to associate with you.
It is yet more condescending to conceal information from adults "for their own good."
So look out for anything led by a guru, poohbah, avatar, sheikh, murdhit.
If a school operates according to a system of secrets witheld from outsiders and lower ranking members, the latter find it impossible to please their superiors
because they do not know what the actual rules are. Parents are often
asked or required to donate volunteer time to the school, so they need to know
the actual rules -- both the spoken and unspoken rules. Otherwise the set
up will feel like a secret ridden family - aka toxic.
Now, back to our coverage of Chris Butler, Tulsi Gabbard, the Gabbard family and
--the bloody death of Shri Shim.