I read the Omkara Piazza comment again regarding to Amma Tanya first statement (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10218534946789707&id=1376874725&_rdr&hc_location=ufi) and I was disappointed so much in her, she plays the music in the Bhajan group. I thought that she may take the cultic atmosphere in Monte Sahaja neutrally, because she likes the music, she is from Massachusetts but she has become a real hardcore devotee. She is one of them, who has made the false facade for Mooji for years. Amma Tanya responded to her very good to say “I know it’s your home-ashram now, you cover up for him”. In addition, someone else wrote online that such long-term devotees must also have some future plans for themselves to build up in Monte Sahaja something like a Moojiashram of the truth, love and the hole land or some start-up teaching ambitions in Monte Sahaja after Mooji retirement. For example, Zenji Ganz one of the hardcore Mooji devotees responded to Amma as well. But Mooji was wrong about the ashram and its future. Even though Mooji has blessed the Monte Sahaja and “the whole universe” many times and he “made the spirit of God constantly remain upon this ashram land“ (in Sahaja journal video: [www.youtube.com] at 11:25, 3:00), it may not help at all, because the whole Monte Sahaja ashram has been very unrealistic, naive, and expensive millions project, it has been built from a scratch on deserted farm lands: limited or no electricity, no canalization, no running water, no infrastructure. It’s non-ending free labor work, new projects, and other goals in very hot, dry, and dusty climate in summer. Monte Sahaja is a more like a therapeutic camp for the people who have some mental or social issues.