Somebody wrote this in a discussion of a quite different group called
The Bright Path. They summarized classic methods of cult recruitment, mind and social control.
Here are just two pearls of wisdom from this article:
"Some more modern cults choose remote, beautiful locations that give the false perception of freedom."
"If you're told that you need to get out of your mind, or that your problems are based on your thinking, be careful that it’s not simply a way of creating a state of passive acceptance."
"The leader doesn't want adoration! At least that's what he or she says. In reality, they are cultivating an environment in which they are all powerful and anyone who does not demonstrate adoration may be punished."
Read this and assess whether any of this matches what you have experienced during your time with Moo.
The Bright Path. They summarized classic methods of cult recruitment, mind and social control.
Here are just two pearls of wisdom from this article:
"Some more modern cults choose remote, beautiful locations that give the false perception of freedom."
"If you're told that you need to get out of your mind, or that your problems are based on your thinking, be careful that it’s not simply a way of creating a state of passive acceptance."
"The leader doesn't want adoration! At least that's what he or she says. In reality, they are cultivating an environment in which they are all powerful and anyone who does not demonstrate adoration may be punished."
Read this and assess whether any of this matches what you have experienced during your time with Moo.