That is a really interesting Fb page, Clearvision.
The article that you posted a link to is really well-written. Unfortunately, I have noticed that all the Moo Cult followers who I've interacted with have no interest in Hindu tradition and no concept of spiritual lineage and its importance.
I've noticed that they are generally modern Westerners who just want something to believe in. As Horowitz says, a lot of them sadly have mental health issues. Even those who are sane and educated, even quite intelligent in many cases, only really want to abandon rational thinking and live in a delusional state.
They then call it "enlightenment", but it is actually a confused mental state brought about by trying to comprehend some seriously irrational and misguided stuff.
If you look at the last link I posted, you will see that the genuine Advaita teachings are nothing like the gibberish that Tony Moo spouts. Advaita is a complex religion requiring serious study. You are not going to pick it up instantly by listening to a B-grade showman with a Jesus complex!
Unfortunately, we live in very insecure, changeable and interesting times. People just want a quick-fix, they are not interested in looking deeper.
Yes, Moo takes great pains to deceive people into thinking he shares spiritual lineage with Papaji and Ramana. He may as well save himself the effort, because his followers aren't that curious. Honestly, half of them would worship a turnip if you put it it front of them. Seriously.
The article that you posted a link to is really well-written. Unfortunately, I have noticed that all the Moo Cult followers who I've interacted with have no interest in Hindu tradition and no concept of spiritual lineage and its importance.
I've noticed that they are generally modern Westerners who just want something to believe in. As Horowitz says, a lot of them sadly have mental health issues. Even those who are sane and educated, even quite intelligent in many cases, only really want to abandon rational thinking and live in a delusional state.
They then call it "enlightenment", but it is actually a confused mental state brought about by trying to comprehend some seriously irrational and misguided stuff.
If you look at the last link I posted, you will see that the genuine Advaita teachings are nothing like the gibberish that Tony Moo spouts. Advaita is a complex religion requiring serious study. You are not going to pick it up instantly by listening to a B-grade showman with a Jesus complex!
Unfortunately, we live in very insecure, changeable and interesting times. People just want a quick-fix, they are not interested in looking deeper.
Yes, Moo takes great pains to deceive people into thinking he shares spiritual lineage with Papaji and Ramana. He may as well save himself the effort, because his followers aren't that curious. Honestly, half of them would worship a turnip if you put it it front of them. Seriously.