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Hindu Nationalists Pressuring Changes in US School Textbooks


Caste violence continues in India. It is reported in the news.

But the Hindu Nationalists do not want your kids to know this. In America.

This is why we have to pay attention to Tulsi Gabbard and whom she associates with.

And SHAME on New Yorker Magazine for not examining any of this. The New Yorker does excellent political coverage in other areas.





But if you, a Californian tax payer have a child in the public schools,
your child cannot learn about this from school textbooks.

Hindu nationalists have got what they wanted, via pressure groups that most
California parents are too tired and exhausted to even know about.

How many parents have the energy to review their children's school work
and tell them, 'Honey, the Indian history module in your lessons says nothing
about ongoing caste violence in India. Tonight, you and I are gonna read the news online. Here, let me show you how to work Google search terms."

"Next, you and I are going to read about something called Hindu Nationalism. They are in California and lobbied to keep genuine information about caste discrimination and violence out of your textbooks. Which I pay for because I pay taxes."

Now, how many California parents are going to have to time and stamina to do this?

The Hindu American Foundation, The Hindu Education Foundation, The Uberoi Foundation, Hindupedia

Take a look at this, Second District of Hawaii.

This is the kind of history Chris Butler, the Gabbard family guru learned from
his guru, Srila Prabhupada of the Hare Krishnas.

Tulsi Gabbard, your elected US Congresswoman has been making friendly with some emigre Hindu Nationalist groups in the USA -- the BJP Part.

Well, this crap is going on in California. Hindu Nationlists are reportedly lobbying to get some history textbooks re-written -- textbooks to be used
in tax funded public schools.

This Hindu Nationalist substitution of a political mythology for evidence based history is sneaking in under the guide of "multi culturalism"

Do you think the average exhausted parent is going to be aware that Hindunationalist fairy tales might be substituted for evidence based history
in their children's school books?

Most of us do not know enough about evidence based Indian history to recognize when the saffron nationalist wool is being pulled over our tired eyes.

Hello, tax payers!!!!.

Spicy Masala news for breakfast!

Right Wing Hindu nationalist groups are in the USA and are pushing for changes
get textbooks in California public schools

Here are new informative articles hot off the tawa -griddle.

Mythologizing History : How to spot a Hindu Ethnonationalist
November 14, 2017
By Maari Zwick Maitreyi, TwoCircles.net



The Hindu American Foundation, The Hindu Education Foundation, The Uberoi Foundation, Hindupedia, and all the cohorts of the Diasporic Hindu Fundamentalist Complex are serving up the fascist propaganda of their grown-in-India ethnonationalist indoctrination. They are waging an ongoing battle in California aiming to embed these fabrications into school textbooks.



Mythology in History Books

In comparison to peer-reviewed research, false narrativizing is much easier in the textbook processes and especially so when the government is run by your fundamentalist machine and you can form whole governmental bodies to fund your propaganda. The same myths of the “Saraswati Civilization” are now the proud feature of textbooks in many states including Gujarat, Prime Minister Modi’s former stronghold state.

These revisionists projects are underway not only in India but are being simultaneously fought for in California where the California State Board of Education is finalizing new social science and history textbooks. In the past decade, there has been a strengthening of an American Hindu ethnoationalist diasporic base in California vis-a-vis the RSS and VHP. Organizations like the Hindu American Foundation are a direct offshoot of these organizations. They front fascist organizing with performances of pluralism, LGBTQ-friendliness and concern for Bangladeshi Hindus (while experiencing no concern for Muslims and Dalits being lynched and killed in India).

And this is what the HAF requesting the renaming of the Indus Valley Civilization and teaching children about “the Saraswati” River are about in California. A transnational fascist historical revisionism project. Unfortunately, the California Board of Education has given into the guise of multiculturalism to support the creation of alternative facts.

The Hindu Nationalists got much of what they wanted.

Controversial U.S. textbooks get nod
Varghese K. George WASHINGTON , NOVEMBER 10, 201




HAF leaders said they were happy about the outcome. “Most of our demands have been met,” said Suhag A. Shukla, executive director, HAF. Samir Kalra, HAF’s Senior Director, said the organisation had worked with most publishers who incorporated suggestions made to them. “We wanted the drafts of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to be rejected and it has been accepted,” he said.

Legal remedies

Thenmozhi Soundararajan, co-founder of South Asian Histories for All Coalition (SAHFA), and representing “caste-oppressed immigrant groups”, said the hearing on Thursday was a “systematic disenfranchisement” of Dalits. “They completely overwhelmed the process with numerical strength. We will seek legal remedies.”

She said the approved textbooks had “discriminatory content that rewrite South Asian history to be in line with Hindu nationalist fiction.”

“The approved textbooks erase the inherent, institutional and ongoing caste oppression of Dalits and religious minorities like Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and Sikhs. They also erase the historical and ongoing resistance to Brahmin Hindu violence by Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and others.”

Adverse reflection

Asked to explain “adverse reflection upon Hinduism” — a complaint raised by the HAF — Ms. Shukla said: “Many of these adverse reflections are rooted in the images and captions selected for use by textbook publishers.” She said many of the drafts showed “subsequent Indic religions as an improvement upon or superior to Hinduism, and gloss over the dynamic relationships between the various Indic religions” and the HAF sought replacement of “stereotyped and exoticised images depicting Hinduism and India as poor, primitive, and dirty”.

The HAF argued that according to the the framework approved last year, “textbooks are required to explain the difference between varna and jati — varna being best understood as an individual’s personality type based on gunas or inherent qualities, and jati or class which is often based on occupation or guild”.

The SBE’s approvals and rejections are based on textbook drafts as they existed on September 28, when the Instructional Quality Commission considered them. Further representations made by groups and changes promised by publishers have not been incorporated. Ms. Shukla said the HAF hoped these changes would be incorporated as well.


"Saraswati Civilization" replacing "Indus Valley Civilization"

"American Hindu ethnoationalist diaspora" (translation, Non Resident Indians and Indians who are US Citizens who are right wing are using multiculturalism to sneak religious political mythology into tax funded schools exactly the way right wingers are trying to shove out evidence based science by claiming science is just another belief system and should share equal time with Intelligent Design.

Products of scientific method and products of history derived from archeology and textual analysis are arrived at by an entirely different set of
rules than ideologies.

Practitioners of evidence based history change and at times discard earlier findings if new archaeological and textual evidence becomes available. Findings from --new catagories of evidence -- genetics, microbiology, chemistry, weather science and geology are also now incorporated into the practice of evidence based history.

Genuine historians and scientists publish conflicting findings and discuss them publicly. Those who disagree with scientists and historians are not threatened by mobs, their books are not destroyed or censored. Scientists and historians disagree but do not stir up goonda mobs.

Ideology driven politicians are the ones who drive genuine scientists and historian into exile.

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