To whom it may concern,
If you have an opinion state -- In my opinion.
If you are not absolutely sure about a detail you can say -- it appears to me, apparently, it seems to me, etc.
These are important distinctions.
Specifically qualifying what you say in this way makes it very difficult, even for a litigious group, to have any meaningful basis to make a claim regarding defamation.
Having said that, let's not have anyone lurking here to start arguments.
No trolling please or you will be banned from this message board.
If you have an opinion state -- In my opinion.
If you are not absolutely sure about a detail you can say -- it appears to me, apparently, it seems to me, etc.
These are important distinctions.
Specifically qualifying what you say in this way makes it very difficult, even for a litigious group, to have any meaningful basis to make a claim regarding defamation.
Having said that, let's not have anyone lurking here to start arguments.
No trolling please or you will be banned from this message board.