Thanks Happytown,
That is a great article which explains the cult indoctrination process perfectly. If you go back and read the accounts given here by Constantin and Yourinlove, you can see the similarities in their first-hand accounts of Moo's cult, and the experiences of people who were under Rajneesh's control.
Rajneesh (now called Osho) used a type of dynamic meditation to break down people's identities, while Moo uses a manipulative form of "self-inquiry". People eventually get to a psychological place of extreme vulnerability, where their very identities are in question. Once they are in this place, the cult leader puts himself forward as the ultimate source of wisdom and authority and the vulnerable person accepts the cult leader's status as all-knowing and all powerful.
It's a pretty effective method- tried and true!
Moo uses group trance induction to kick-start the whole process, just as Osho did. This gives people a taste of deep relaxation which they mistake for some kind of spiritual awakening. They don't know what they feel, but it feels good. It's confusing, because they don't understand why they feel good, but they do. (I know because it happened to me.)
It piques their interest. At this point, they have absolutely no idea that this stuff could be dangerous. It all seems so innocent. What could be more innocent than spirituality, after all? How could you go wrong??
After the trance induction come the highly suggestive ideas. This is where you are told by Moo that you are "not really you. You are the pure self." If you have any kind of issue accessing this "pure self" then it is your fault. You must be doing it wrong. Moo is the only one who can tell you how to do it right. You give up any sense of your own personal power at this point.
The message is "your mind is faulty. You were probably born that way. Listen to me and you will be able to transcend your faulty mind, and become perfect and blissful". What happens for a lot of people is that they become psychotic! Because you can never get rid of your own mind. Trying to do so will send you around the twist.
That is a great article which explains the cult indoctrination process perfectly. If you go back and read the accounts given here by Constantin and Yourinlove, you can see the similarities in their first-hand accounts of Moo's cult, and the experiences of people who were under Rajneesh's control.
Rajneesh (now called Osho) used a type of dynamic meditation to break down people's identities, while Moo uses a manipulative form of "self-inquiry". People eventually get to a psychological place of extreme vulnerability, where their very identities are in question. Once they are in this place, the cult leader puts himself forward as the ultimate source of wisdom and authority and the vulnerable person accepts the cult leader's status as all-knowing and all powerful.
It's a pretty effective method- tried and true!
Moo uses group trance induction to kick-start the whole process, just as Osho did. This gives people a taste of deep relaxation which they mistake for some kind of spiritual awakening. They don't know what they feel, but it feels good. It's confusing, because they don't understand why they feel good, but they do. (I know because it happened to me.)
It piques their interest. At this point, they have absolutely no idea that this stuff could be dangerous. It all seems so innocent. What could be more innocent than spirituality, after all? How could you go wrong??
After the trance induction come the highly suggestive ideas. This is where you are told by Moo that you are "not really you. You are the pure self." If you have any kind of issue accessing this "pure self" then it is your fault. You must be doing it wrong. Moo is the only one who can tell you how to do it right. You give up any sense of your own personal power at this point.
The message is "your mind is faulty. You were probably born that way. Listen to me and you will be able to transcend your faulty mind, and become perfect and blissful". What happens for a lot of people is that they become psychotic! Because you can never get rid of your own mind. Trying to do so will send you around the twist.