I was also in the workshop your talking about and have quite a different perspective. I learned a lot about my own resistance to taking ownership for my own creation. That whatever happens to me doesn't happen in a vacuum. There is someway I may be participating in my own creations.
I find this self observation to be very empowering for myself. And has helped me see, as a woman, that I am not a victim, but am a co-creator of my life circumstances. thank god I can see this as it has helped me move beyond my need to be right and have others be wrong. That never did really work for me. I used to punish people, and OMG was I good at it. I could easily destroy other people, especially men, with my hatred and anger. I eventually saw that this hatred and anger was me. I was destroying me. WOW. I now I see that we are all doing the very best with what we have been given.
I was also at that free session and there was also about 30 other people there. It was brilliant. Just about everyone in the room came up and gave Don a big hug out of gratitude for what they received. I am so glad that I've learned to take the higher road of holding all in love.
I find this self observation to be very empowering for myself. And has helped me see, as a woman, that I am not a victim, but am a co-creator of my life circumstances. thank god I can see this as it has helped me move beyond my need to be right and have others be wrong. That never did really work for me. I used to punish people, and OMG was I good at it. I could easily destroy other people, especially men, with my hatred and anger. I eventually saw that this hatred and anger was me. I was destroying me. WOW. I now I see that we are all doing the very best with what we have been given.
I was also at that free session and there was also about 30 other people there. It was brilliant. Just about everyone in the room came up and gave Don a big hug out of gratitude for what they received. I am so glad that I've learned to take the higher road of holding all in love.