If former disciples have revealed highly sensitive information about themselves to Uma, could this possibly contribute to lingering anxiety, even terror after they have severed all social contact with Uma?
It must be a ghastly feeling to wake up and realize that one has entrusted such
tender and sensitive information to someone who has shown herself to be very harsh.
Great way to control people is to do exactly this: get them to disclose embarrassing information while they are in the early stages of trusting you.
Later on, they will want to keep trusting you despite their many misgivings.
It ispainful and frightening to wonder if a person is untrustworthy after you've made yourself 'transparent'.
Rather than face this, it is tempting to ignore one's misgivings and hope for the best.
It must be a ghastly feeling to wake up and realize that one has entrusted such
tender and sensitive information to someone who has shown herself to be very harsh.
Great way to control people is to do exactly this: get them to disclose embarrassing information while they are in the early stages of trusting you.
Later on, they will want to keep trusting you despite their many misgivings.
It ispainful and frightening to wonder if a person is untrustworthy after you've made yourself 'transparent'.
Rather than face this, it is tempting to ignore one's misgivings and hope for the best.