I was made aware of this thread a few days ago. I speak in relation to Don Hanson's work. I read it and I could not feel anything. It was like it did not have any energy in it. I could not feel any substance to it. This work I know inside out. I was new to it when the article referenced was in the Independent. I witnessed peoples reactions to it. No one in a group that fluctuated in numbers from morning to afternoon knew anything about this woman save for someone speaking to her at a break. In groups that sometimes numbered 75 plus, this woman had attended but never spoke. The feeling among the group was a lot of confusion. People were perplexed. Here were people helping themselves and getting tremendous guidance and then there was all this outside judgement. It pains me that people can put forward information that I know had zero relevance to the person that Don is. That in a world so in need of sanity and direction a shining light can be stained in such a way. The claims are so off the mark as not worthy of examination.. gobbledegook and thats being pleasant. I woke two mornings in a row and thought of this thread. I wondered why it was it was coming back to me as I intended to ignore it due to how off the mark it was. When I really felt into it I realized it's a smokescreen. For what exactly I am not sure. You live and learn and I ask for people reading this thread to not take on board distortions based not in reality.