Corboy: Expect the leader to massage your fears about the current tensions between the USA and North Korea. Okawa was reportedly warning about North Korea years ago.)
Happy Science, Ryuho Okawa, El Cantare, The Institute for Research in Human Happiness
Blooming 'Happy Science' cult channels Disney, Gandhi, Jesus and Thatcher
The Age, Australia/November 2, 2015
Happy Science cashes in on new age fears in Sydney
October,13, 2012
The latest religion out of Japan is targeting the middle class.
Damien Murphy
(Small exerpt)
Feature story in Vice
Happy Science Is the Laziest Cult Ever
Oct 3 2012, 7:30am
Our reporter infiltrated the “Happy Science” religion…accidentally, when in junior high
Master BlasterMaster BlasterFeb 18, 2017
(One commenter wrote:
"The Happy Science anime movies are SO AMAZING. I never thought I would see Einstein fight a giant steampunk elephant robot in hell.")
Happy Science, Ryuho Okawa, El Cantare, The Institute for Research in Human Happiness
Blooming 'Happy Science' cult channels Disney, Gandhi, Jesus and Thatcher
The Age, Australia/November 2, 2015
Happy Science cashes in on new age fears in Sydney
October,13, 2012
The latest religion out of Japan is targeting the middle class.
Damien Murphy
(Small exerpt)
Happy Science has targeted 50 cities around the world which boast stable economies and large middle-class populations.
Cristina Rocha, a senior lecturer with the University of Western Sydney's school of humanities and communications, arts and the managing editor of the Journal of Global Buddhism, said access to a middle class with the time and money to pursue their New Age interests was a hallmark of new religious movements.
''It is apparent from Happy Science's Australian and American websites that they are making an effort to expand their membership beyond the Japanese community,'' she said.
''They are doing this in a similar way to [what] many other Japanese religions have done before: they associate themselves strongly with Buddhism because Buddhism is regarded so positively in the West [where it is seen as a ''philosophy'' rather than a religion], and in doing so, they create meditation sessions.
''Similar to other new religious movements, this one incorporates general ideas such as happiness, spiritual journey, freedom of the soul, a child of God, which can attract New Agers and even Christians.''
Master Okawa, 56, worked in New York for a Tokyo-based trading house but when the Japanese economy crashed after the 1987 Walls St crash he returned home and established Happy Science. The crisis caused Japan to undergo its third new religious movement upheaval of the 20th century and Happy Science was one of a handful of groups labelled ''cults'' and a rival for souls of the notorious Aum Shinrikyo, the terrorist organisation that carried out the 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.
Happy Scientists believe in reincarnation, that making money is a legitimate path to happiness, and they are quite nationalistic - two years ago Master Okawa told a local audience that the 21st century would be ''the Australian century''. Of late, he has been ringing alarm bells about North Korean and Chinese plans to subjugate Japan.
Master Okawa keeps his distance from his followers. Most communication is through books - he has written more than 900 - anime and television programs.
Professor Rocha said this was standard practice in new movements: ''The charismatic leader works as a motivational speaker, very much like American motivational speakers who regularly arrive on our shores.
''In addition, he is styled as 'master' … Westerners associate him with the tropes of 'the Buddhist master, Zen master'.''
But all is not hunky-dory in Happy Science. Last year he divorced his wife Kyoko and Ugandans blamed him for their failure at the London Olympics after Happy Science booked Kampala's national stadium for his rally speech, forcing athletes to use a rubbish track for time trials.
Following the article, a representative of Okawa's group wrote this.Quote
aku Igata, International PR Division, Happy Science International HeadquartersNov 8 2012 at 7:47pm
"Happy Science regrets that a supreme newspaper has released such a gossipy article based on rumours without conducting proper research. It was actually Happy Science that warned the Tokyo metropolitan police department about the dangerous nature of Aum Shinrikyo. The police later presented a certificate of gratitude to Happy Science for its co-operation in solving the case. Overseas bodies of Happy Science are recognised officially by governments in such countries as the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. In Japan, the Happy Science group includes the Happy Science Academy, a combined junior and senior-high school, which is also recognised officially by the Japanese government.
1) Happy Science does not "target the middle class":
"- Happy Science also has a large membership in such nations as India, the Philippines, Nepal and Uganda. Happy Science attracts people of all backgrounds and financial standing. Happy Science does not deny the worldly wealth because one can contribute to the creation of much greater happiness by giving his/her wealth to other people. “Noblesse oblíge” is one of the school precepts of Happy Science Academy. It is not the affirmation of worship of money. Money is neutral and therefore a positive or negative depending on how it is used.
2) Happy Science is not nationalistic:
"- How could Ryuho Okawa claim that “the 21st century would be 'the Australian century'”, if he is nationalistic towards Japan? Happy Science teaches the way to create a harmonious, peaceful and prosperous world, where all the people, regardless of such backgrounds as nationality, language and religion can live happily.
"Finally, all of the world's major religions, such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, started from spiritual messages. While modern society is not familiar with spiritual messages, we learn that religious leaders and mediums have actually been conducting them for a very long time, if we unravel the thread of history.
"Happy Science wishes The Sydney Morning Herald continues to fulfil its mission as the true journalism by making known the truth to Australian people through its fair reporting attitude."
Feature story in Vice
Happy Science Is the Laziest Cult Ever
Oct 3 2012, 7:30am
Our reporter infiltrated the “Happy Science” religion…accidentally, when in junior high
Master BlasterMaster BlasterFeb 18, 2017
(One commenter wrote:
"The Happy Science anime movies are SO AMAZING. I never thought I would see Einstein fight a giant steampunk elephant robot in hell.")